As long as the United States had a homogeneous population that consisted of the same northern European heritage, and relatively equal intelligence among the white ethnic Europeans, we could rally around a common theme, a common purpose.  Yet today, we are a nation of fractions, where the parts have become more important than the whole. In order that we may understand better, we must remove ourselves, at least partially from the present and place ourselves into the past.  We must remove the decades of forced propaganda to a time of original meaning, of original thought, to the genius that realized the requirements of making a nation. This text will attempt to educate the reader in an approach similar to solving a picture puzzle.





    I have extracted quotations from the brightest in our world yesterday and today.  The form of government we live under will be analyzed in summary, as will each of the major different groups of people living in this pluralistic, multi-cultured, multi-racial geographic land mass.  After conclusion, much of the puzzle will still be missing, however, hopefully there will be enough of the picture showing to give the reader a reasonable idea of the problems underlying the current and upcoming social upheaval in America.  I hope it will shed adequate light for the reader where none existed before.  It certainly was a learning experience for me, read perhaps 1,000 books on race, past civilizations and Christianity.              Kent Crutcher, CPA, MBA,  1989










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   Alexis Tocqueville was a French writer and statesman.  In 1831 he was sent to America to study the prison system.  While in America he wrote "Democracy in America" from 1835-1840.  This became a classic analysis of American institutions.  Tocqueville served as a representative to the national assembly in France 1837-51, becoming vice president of it in 1849, and its minister for foreign affairs briefly in 1849.  He opposed Prince Louis Napoleon's rise to power and was forced from political life by the prince's seizure of power in 1851.  In 1856, he published the first volume of a historical work on the causes of the French Revolution, "The Old Regime and the Revolution", which he did not live to complete.  "Democracy in America" is the device by which the following evolves – these are quotations from that book.  

When the religion of a people is destroyed, doubt gets hold of the higher powers of the intellect and half paralyzes all the others.  Thereafter, his opinions are ill-defended and easily abandoned; and, in despair of ever solving by himself the hard problems respecting the destiny of man, he ignobly submits to think no more about them.  Such a condition cannot but enervate the soul, relax the springs of the will, and prepare a people for servitude.  Not only does it happen in such a case that they allow their freedom to be taken from them; they frequently surrender it themselves.

   It seems evident that the more the barriers are removed which separate one nation from another and one citizen from another, the stronger is the bent of the human mind, as if by its own impulse, towards the idea of a single and all-powerful Being, dispensing equal laws in the same manner to every man.  In democratic ages, then, it is particularly important not to allow the homage paid to secondary agents to be confused with the worship due to the Creator alone.   As public opinion grows to be more and more the first and most irresistible of existing powers, the religious principle has no support strong enough to enable it long to resist its attacks.



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   Madison Grant was Chairman of the New York Zoological Society; Trustee, American of Natural History; Councilor, American Geographic Society, and zoology professor at Harvard.  Mr. Grant's book "The Passing of the Great Race" (1st Edition was 1916) (4th edition was 1936) is an interesting work on the history of the Caucasian race.  A few quotations are below.

   The church assumes a serious responsibility toward the future whenever it steps in and preserves a defective strain.  Before eugenics were understood much could be said from a Christian and humane viewpoint in favor of indiscriminate charity for the benefit of the individual.  The societies of charity, altruism or extension of rights, should have in these days, however, in their management some small modicum of brains, otherwise they may continue to do, as they have sometimes done in the past, more injury to the race than black death or smallpox.

   As long as such charitable organizations confine themselves to the relief of suffering individuals, no matter how criminal or diseased they may be, no harm is done except to our own generation and if modern society recognizes a duty to the humblest malefactors or imbeciles that duty can be harmlessly performed in full, provided they be deprived of the capacity to procreate their defective strain.

   Whenever the incentive to imitate the dominate race is removed the Negro, or, for that matter, the Indian, reverts shortly to his ancestral grade of culture.  In other words, it is the individual and not the race that is affected by religion, education and example.  Negroes have demonstrated throughout recorded time that they are a stationary species and that they do not possess the potentiality of progress or initiative from within.  Progress from self-impulse must not be confounded with mimicry or with progress imposed from without by social pressure or by the slaver's lash.

   With the impulse of an inferior race to imitate or mimic the dress, manners or morals of the dominate race is destroyed by the acquisition of political or social independence, the servient race tends to revert to its original status as in Haiti.



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   To read Hitler's Mein Kampf. 1925-26, 600 pages, (My Struggle) is to step into many of the problems of modern America.  The issues that Hitler raises are of interest to us today, regardless of our individual feelings for Hitler.  The purpose of taking quotations from Adolph Hitler is not to promote nor attack any ideology associated with Hitler and the Nazi party.  The purpose is to provide the reader with another piece of the puzzle as it relates to social turmoil within modern America and the rest of the world.       There is a connection.   Hitler was very much against smoking and drinking in a time before such thoughts were socially acceptable.  He would not tolerate smoking in his presence.  In addition, he was a vegetarian because he did not believe in the slaughter of "innocent animals.  Hitler also rejected the modern motion pictures as vulgar.  He was also an admirer of traditional Western art and music.  In essence, if one sets aside WWII and the propaganda of movies and TV, most of the people of today would consider Hitler to be very prudish.  It should be interesting to read the exact words of the man who rose from street vagrant, to German patriot/soldier, to the most feared dictator in the world. These are the words, the feelings,that aroused the German masses.  Quotations from Mein Kampf are listed below. The first half of the book was written in 1923 while Hitler was in prison for attempting to overthrow the new and existing government within Germany.  Then, he was an enemy of the State.

  Conceptions and ideas, as well as movements with a certain spiritual foundation, may these be right or wrong, can be broken at a certain point of their development with technical means of power only if these physical weapons are at the same time the supporters of a new kindling thought, an idea or view of life.  Use of force alone, without the driving force of a spiritual basic idea as presupposition, can never lead to the destruction of an idea and its spreading, except in the form of a thorough eradication of even the last representative and the destruction of the last tradition.  This however, means the disappearance of such a State body for endless times, sometimes forever, from the circle of political and powerful importance, as such a sacrifice in blood, as shown by experience, often hits the best part of a nationality, because every persecution that takes place without being based on spiritual presupposition does not seem justified from the moral point of view, thus instigating just the more valuable parts of a nation to voice a protest which then expresses itself in the acquisition of the spiritual contents of the unjustly persecuted movement.  This happens with many merely out of the feeling of opposition against the attempt at throttling an idea by brute force.

   It is a fact that all attempts at the extension of a doctrine and its organization effects by force without a spiritual foundation lead to failures and frequently even end contrary to that desired, for the following reason:  The very first condition for such a manner of fight with the weapons of pure force is and will always be perseverance.  That means that only the continued and regular use of the methods applied for suppressing a doctrine permits the possibility of success.  But as soon as intermittent force alternates with indulgence, the doctrine to be suppressed will not only recover again and again, but it will be able to draw new values from every persecution, for after the ebbing of such a wave of pressure, the indignation at the misery suffered leads new followers to the old doctrine, but those who are already present will with sharper spite and deeper hatred than before adhere to it, and even those who have fallen off will try to return to their old attitude after the danger has been averted.  Only in the eternally regular use of force lies the preliminary condition for success.  This preservation is only and always the result of a certain spiritual conviction alone.  All force which does not spring from a firm spiritual foundation will be hesitating and uncertain.

   Every attempt at fighting a view of life by means of force will finally fail, unless the fight against it represents the form of an attack for the sake of a new spiritual direction.  Only in the struggle of two views of life with each other can the weapon of brute force, used continuously and ruthlessly, bring about the decision in favor of the side it supports.

  While faith helps in lifting man above the level of an animal-like existence, it adds in reality to the power for fixing and securing his existence.  If one were to take from present mankind its principles based on religion and faith, which in their practical effectiveness are ethical and moral, by eliminating this religious education and without replacing it by an equivalent, one would be confronted with a result amounting to a serious undermining of the foundations of their existence.  Therefore one may well determine that man lives not only in order to serve higher ideals, but that these higher ideals, inversely give also the presumption for his existence as man. Thus the circle is closed.

   Without the clearly outlined faith, religiousness in its unclear many sidedness would not only be without value for human life, but would even probably add to general disintegration.



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   Mr. Putnam graduated with honors from Princeton with a degree in history and politics.  He also obtained a law degree from Columbia.  He later became Chairman of the Board for Delta Airlines.  From his "Race and Reason" (1961) the following is quoted.

   Being a Northerner, I may dare to speak one last word to the South, in the utmost sympathy and understanding, I would say, curb your anger as best you can.  I am convinced the majority of Northerners are sincere humanitarians who being unconsciously victimized by a hoax.  Work to enlighten them, but do not play into the hands of your enemies, and theirs, by violence.  Lynchings and bombings do not destroy these enemies; they destroy you.

   Above all, in the face of great provocation, protect the Negro from himself.  Continue and improve your stewardship.  Give no grounds for the title supremacist.  Deserve, as indeed in the past you so often have, the title leader and minister.  In the Christian family the Negro is still your younger brother, the figure of the Galilean still stands in judgment over you both."




Richard Swartzbugh's (an anthropology professor) book, "The Mediator", written in 1973, is a short but concise and scholarly account of how America is "managed" by a group he refers to as the mediators.  By logical analysis and explanation, Mr. Swartzbaugh also predicts America's future.  Many quotations are memorable and a few are listed below

   If one looks only at current religious ideologies, it is overwhelmingly obvious that their theme is not only one of accord but of universal brotherhood.  Already in world religion there is something "unnatural" about the evangelism of universal brotherhood and love.  It is "In the true spirit of religion" that priesthoods, no matter how diverse their ethnic and racial origins, try to work together to iron out those differences in belief and ideology that stand in the way of peace.  But primarily religion helps to stabilize relationships between factions, classes, regions, and races which would otherwise have divided allegiances.  In orienting themselves toward a single superhuman and supernatural authority, diverse groups are often more susceptible to a centralized human political power.  Usually, however, religion is invoked to save a collapsing system.  H.G. Wells (Outline of History of the World) says that for the empire of Constantine, Christianity ..... "was a unifying and organized force....It provided the only hope of moral solidarity he could discern in the great welter of narrow views and self-seeking over which he had to  rule. It, and it alone, had the facilities for organizing will, for the need of which the empire was falling to pieces like a piece of rotten cloth."   Moreover, and this is why the priesthood was supported by society, the symbols which acted as a barrier to organic relationships provided a bridge of artificial framework between groups which, on account of internal organic cohesion, were cut off from other similarly cohesive groups.  It gave these groups an ideal "brotherhood of man" to compensate for unwanted regional and caste disunity which would defeat the practical economic and military purposes of civilization.

   The mediator, in order to unite some men in an abstract alliance must divide others.  This in America would be a union of middle and working class whites, whites of North and South, and Catholics and Protestants.  Without tribal bonds men cannot have access to one another except through symbolic interstices of society through which they must pass on their way to one another.

   The mediator fears the establishment between men of instinctual bonds which render symbolic ones unnecessary.  In short he fears tribalism and regionalism, the positive bond whose obverse side, the exclusion of the outsiders, he decries as "racism".  The remaining question is whether the priest (the mediator) can sustain this highly abstract climate until the instinctual group dissolves forever.  Usually what happens, if the outsider is not assimilated into the organic texture of the group, is that the congregation re-tribalizes and re-segregates itself in subtle ways and informal ways.  The ritual group and the tribal group finally polarize, leading usually to the dissolution of the former. The symbols, while they may temporarily take an independent direction, must finally return to the elemental fact of biology and race.  Tribal groups involve the whole emotional and instinctual man, while symbolic groups pertain simply to his abstract intellect.  If religion does not ultimately affirm the tribe, then religion and with it the priest are irrelevant to and even at odds with the spontaneous flow of life.  A crucial stage in the formation of a religious community is reached when the symbolic tie begins to channel organic energies.  The group that has artificially set itself apart from others begins to feel within itself like an organic group.  If ritual groups do not begin to develop into breeding groups, the ritual group will fall.

  Just as the 19th century saw the total victory of the idea of humanity, so the last of the 20th century will experience a new and real atheism as the final development of the same idea.  With the breakdown of the world society and the reassertion of regionalism, men at the passing of this century will be the most cynical atheists regarding "mankind."



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   Today, Christianity in the United States has come full circle.  Once again, it has turned its attention from God to man and become the champion of minorities.  Many Protestant ministers take the money from their collection plates and spend it on projects, in particular projects which have nothing to do with religion of their Majority congregations.

   All in vain, as Neitzsche predicted a century ago: "There is nothing more terrible than a barbaric slave class, who have learned to regard their existence as an injustice, and now prepare to avenge, not only themselves, but all future generations. In the face of such threatening storms, who dares to appeal with confidence to our pale and exhausted religions."

   Remove the spiritual props, the cultural reinforcements, the time-tested morale builders, the four-dimensional insurance of family, race, nation, and church, and the delicate balance of the human mentality can easily crack.   A decline in formal religion does not necessarily result in a nation of atheists.  The religious instinct does not mortify.  It flows into different channels in the search for different divinities.  In the school system, as in so many other American institutions, Christianity is simply being phased out by the modern religious syncretism of democracy, equality, and minority racism.  Certainly anyone familiar with contemporary school and college curricula can hardly fail to detect a theological tone in much of the subject matter.  Whatever else they may be, political science lectures are becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish from sermons.



2019 Notes:

 When I finished this book, I was 36 and an atheist.  But that changed, and by 40 I became a zealot Christian, primarily through the work of one man.  One person can make a difference in the lives of other.  With intent, Christianity has been perverted – the objective to destroy Western Civilization and the race that created it.  30 years ago, not too many people could see this, today white men, Adamic men, have been awaken by the 10’s of millions – the evidence is just too great to ignore it any more.

Go here for a book I wrote years ago, on the descendants of Adam, who they were then, who they were over history and who they are today -

Go here for an essay on interracial marriage, a Biblical perspective -

Look at the sermon list below.  I suggest you start with The Greatest Discovery, part 1 and 2.