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As long as the United States had a homogeneous population that consisted of the same northern European heritage, and relatively equal intelligence among the white ethnic Europeans, we could rally around a common theme, a common purpose. Yet today, we are a nation of fractions, where the parts have become more important than the whole. In order that we may understand better, we must remove ourselves, at least partially from the present and place ourselves into the past. We must remove the decades of forced propaganda to a time of original meaning, of original thought, to the genius that realized the requirements of making a nation. This text will attempt to educate the reader in an approach similar to solving a picture puzzle.
I have extracted quotations from the brightest in our world yesterday and today. The form of government we live under will be analyzed in summary, as will each of the major different groups of people living in this pluralistic, multi-cultured, multi-racial geographic land mass. After conclusion, much of the puzzle will still be missing, however, hopefully there will be enough of the picture showing to give the reader a reasonable idea of the problems underlying the current and upcoming social upheaval in America. I hope it will shed adequate light for the reader where none existed before. It certainly was a learning experience for me, read perhaps 1,000 books on race, past civilizations and Christianity. Kent Crutcher, CPA, MBA, 1989
Which Way Western Man begins with a recounting of author Simpson's experiences as a young and extraordinaryily earnest Christian minister, and it leads the reader through the soul-searching which took the author out of the church, after he was forced to conclude that the teachings of modern Christian theology was neighter in harmony with Western man's innermost nature, nor revelant to his pressing needs. 760 pages, 1978.
"Which Way Western Nan" by William Gayley Simpson, comes the
following facts concerning expulsion of Jews from European countries. In the space of about two centuries, the Jews
were expelled from the most important countries of Europe:
England 1292
France. 1306
Saxony 1340
Hungary 1360
Belgium 1370
Slovakia 1380
Austria. 1420
Netherlands 1444
Spain. 1492
Portugal 1498
Russia, 1510
Bavaria 1551
Sweden. Could not enter until 1782.
BEN FRANKLIN (1706-1790)
Franklin, one of America's
most famous geniuses - The following was stated at the Constitutional
Convention in May 1787. In
whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its
moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and
have not been assimilated, have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian
religion, have built up a state within a state, and have, when opposed, tried to
strangle that country to death financially. If you do not exclude them, in less than
200 years our descendants will be working in their fields to furnish the
substance while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn
you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will
curse you in your graves.
Within the coffee table book, Pioneer Jewish Texans, the author, Natalie
Ornish, a Jew, proudly proclaims that Moses Rose was a Jew. After he crossed the line that Travis drew
while in the Alamo, Rose waited until dark and crawled over the wall and
escaped to safety. He later retold the
story of the line drawn by Travis. The
author stated that Moses Rose was no coward, he just simply was not ready to
die. However, he was ready to open a
butcher shop in Kaufman, Texas after the Texans fought for and won their
independence from the tyranny of Mexico.
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was an American statesman, politician, conservationist, naturalist, and writer who served as the 26th president of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He served as the 25th vice president from March to September 1901 and as the 33rd governor of New York from 1899 to 1900. As a leader of the Republican Party, he became a driving force for the Progressive Era in the United States in the early 20th century. His face is depicted on Mount Rushmore alongside George Washington, Quotations from his book - Race, Riots, Reds and Crime, are below.
Roosevelt poked fun at Brook Adams as Adam’s, "looked forward with fiendish satisfaction to the enslavement of everybody by the Jews and other capitalists, however he confided to his sister Anna that he had attended a "huge lunch given by the Seligmans where at least half the guests were Jew bankers" "I felt as if I was personally realizing all of Brook Adams gloomiest anticipations of our gold-ridden, capitalist-best-ridden,usurer-mastered future. 13 Nov l896
MADISON GRANT (1865-1937)
Madison Grant was an American lawyer, writer, and zoologist known primarily for his work as a eugenicist and conservationist as one of the leading thinkers and activists of the Progressive Era.
In his "Passing of the Great Race" (1918-1922) .... There exists today a widespread and fatuous belief in the power of environment, as well as of education and opportunity to alter heredity, which arises from the dogma of the brotherhood of man derived in its turn from the loose thinkers of the French Revolution and their American mimics. Such beliefs have done much damage in the past and if allowed to go un-contradicted may do even more serious damage in the future. Thus the view that the negro slave was an unfortunate cousin of the white man deeply tanned by the tropic sun and denied the blessing of Christianity and civilization, played no small part with the sentimentalists of the Civil War period as it has taken us fifty years to learn that speaking English, wearing good clothes and going to school and to church do not transform a Negro into a white man. Nor was a Syrian or Egyptian freedman transformed into a Roman by wearing a toga and applauding his favorite gladiator in the amphitheater. Americans will have a similar experience with the Polish Jew, whose dwarf stature, peculiar mentality and ruthless concentration on self-interest are being engrafted upon the stock of the nation.
H.G. Wells (1866-1946)
H.G. Wells' (the well-known fiction writer - Time Machine and more) 1200 page "The Outline of the History of the World" published in 1920 is an interesting work. It is a popular book, even today, and has been read by millions. A few quotations are stated below.
"The Jews became convinced at as a people, that they were the chosen people of the one God of all the earth. This idea of belonging to a chosen race predestined to pre-eminence was a very attractive one.
The Jewish idea was and is a curious combination of theological breadth and an intense racial patriotism. The Jews looked for a special savior, a Messiah, who was to redeem mankind by the agreeable process of restoring the fabulous glories of David and Solomon, and bring the whole world at last under the benevolent but firm Jewish heel. They were neither so abundant nor so civilized as the still more widely diffused Greeks, but they had a tradition of greater solidarity. Greek was hostile to Greek; Jew stood by Jew. Wherever a Jew went, he found men of like mind and like tradition with himself. He could get shelter, food, loans, and legal help. So it is that the Jews have persisted as a people while Hellenism has become a universal light for mankind.
The Jewish idea was and is a curious combination of theological breadth and an intense racial patriotism. The Jews looked for a special savior, a Messiah, who was to redeem mankind by the agreeable process of restoring the fabulous glories of David and Solomon, and bring the whole world at last under the benevolent but firm Jewish heel. They were neither so abundant nor so civilized as the still more widely diffused Greeks, but they had a tradition of greater solidarity. Greek was hostile to Greek; Jew stood by Jew. Wherever a Jew went, he found men of like mind and like tradition with himself. He could get shelter, food, loans, and legal help. So it is that the Jews have persisted as a people while Hellenism has become a universal light for mankind.
The Jews were persuaded that God, the one God of the whole world, was a righteous god, but they also thought of him as a trading god who had made a bargain with their Father Abraham about then a very good bargain indeed for them, to bring them at last to predominance in the earth. With dismay and anger they heard Jesus sweeping away their dear securities. God, he taught, was no bargainer. It is also clear that his teachings condemned all the gradations of the economic system, all private wealth and personal advantages, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
The long and intricate struggle of a certain
section of the worldwide community of Jews to return to a country that had
ceased to be even nominally Jewish in the days of Alfred the Great and in which
it is highly probable the bulk of their ancestors had never lived at all
witnesses to the power of historical assertion over fact. There can be no
doubt that to a great number of the modern orthodox Jews who have been drawn
together into one community of habits, behavior and mutual assistance by the Old
Testament and the Talmud, the establishment of a small independent
Hebrew-speaking state is a matter of such supreme importance that in their minds
it entirely overshadows the larger possibilities of
human unification that confront mankind today. This is more
regrettable because of the immense fund of intellectual energy and world-wide
co-operation that is thereby diverted from the general service of mankind. I make these obvious
comments here. I make them side by side with a far more
ruthless criticism of British ideas and methods, but I do not expect for a
moment that they will be read by a single practicing Jew without rage and
resentment and the accusation that I am a pro-British propagandist of the
blackest sort."
Henry Ford is the father of the assembly line, designed for the automobile industry, but the application fits all such factory manufacturing today. This procedure revolutionized low cost manufacturing across the world. Truly this man changed the business world around us, perhaps as much as any man in modern times. The following are quotations from his newspaper, The Dearborne Independent, 1920-22.
Jewish idea was and is a curious combination of theological breadth and an
intense racial patriotism. The Jews
looked for a special savior, a Messiah, who was to redeem mankind by the
agreeable process of restoring the fabulous glories of David and Solomon, and
bring the whole world at last under the benevolent but firm Jewish heel. They
were neither so abundant nor so civilized as the still more widely diffused
Greeks, but they had a tradition of greater solidarity. Greek was hostile to Greek; Jew stood by Jew. Wherever a Jew went,
he found men of like mind and like tradition with himself. He could get shelter,
food, loans, and legal help. So it is that the Jews have persisted as a people
while Hellenism has become a universal light for mankind.
The Jews were persuaded that God, the
one God of the whole world, was a righteous god, but they also thought of him as
a trading god who had made a bargain with their Father Abraham about then a very
good bargain indeed for them, to bring them at last to predominance in the
earth. With dismay and anger they
heard Jesus sweeping away their dear securities. God, he taught, was no bargainer. It is also clear that his teachings
condemned all the gradations of the economic system, all private wealth and
personal advantages, It is easier
for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into
the kingdom of God.
The long and intricate struggle of a
certain section of the worldwide community of Jews to return to a country that
had ceased to be even nominally Jewish in the days of Alfred the Great and in
which it is highly probable the bulk of their ancestors had never lived at all
witnesses to the power of historical assertion over fact. There can be no doubt that to a great
number of the modern orthodox Jews who have been drawn together into one
community of habits, behavior and mutual assistance by the Old Testament and the
Talmud, the establishment of a small independent Hebrew-speaking state is a
matter of such supreme importance that in their minds it entirely overshadows
the larger possibilities of
human unification that
confront mankind today. This is
more regrettable because of the immense fund of intellectual energy and
world-wide co-operation that is thereby diverted from the general service of
mankind. I make these obvious
comments here. I make them side by
side with a far more ruthless criticism of British ideas and methods, but I do
not expect for a moment that they will be read by a single practicing Jew
without rage and resentment and the accusation that I am a pro-British
propagandist of the blackest sort."
Whether you go
to Rumania, Russia, Austria or Germany, or anywhere else that the Jewish
Question has come to the forefront as a vital issue, you will discover that the
principal cause is the outworking of the Jewish genius to achieve the power of
control. Here
in the United States it is the fact of this remarkable minority, a sparse Jewish
ingredient of 3% in a nation of 110,000,000, attaining in 50 years a degree of
control that would be impossible to a ten times larger group of any other race,
that creates the Jewish Question here.
The Jew has
been too long accustomed to think of himself as exclusively the claimant on the
humanitarianism of society; society has a large claim against him that he cease
his exclusiveness, that he cease exploiting the world, that he cease making
Jewish groups the end to all of his gains, and that he begin to fulfill, in a
sense his exclusiveness has never yet enabled him to fulfill, the ancient
prophesy that through him all the nations of the earth should be blessed.
The Jews of the United States can best
serve themselves and their fellow-Jews all over the world by letting drop their
far too ready, cry of "anti-Semitism", by adopting a franker tone that which
befits a helpless victim, and by seeing what the Jewish Question is and how it
behooves every Jew who loves his people to help solve
it. There is no other racial nor national
type which puts forth this kind of person. It is not merely that there are a few Jews
among international financial controllers; it is that these world controllers
are exclusively Jews.
Another fact would intervene, namely, that these world -controlling Jews
are not notably religious; and still another fact would hammer for recognition,
namely, the most devout believers and the most obedient followers of the Jewish
religion are the poorest among the Jews.
To understand why the Jew should think
less of the nationalities of the world than do those who comprise them is not
difficult. The
Jew's history is one of wandering among them all. Considering living
individuals only, there is no race of people now upon the planet who have lived
in so many places among so many peoples as have the Jewish masses. They have a clearer
world-sense than any other people 1 because the world has been their path. And they think in
world terms more than any nationality cloistered people could. The Jew has been for centuries a cosmopolitan.
The political elements inheres in the
fact that the Jews form a nation in the midst of the nations. Some of their
spokesmen, particularly in America, deny that, but the genius of the Jew has
always put these spokesmen zeal to shame. It is not the fact that the Jews
remain a nation in the midst of the nations; it is the use made of that
inescapable status, which the world has found reprehensible.
In relating the action of this Jewish
nation to the world Dr. Herzl wrote: "When we sink, we become a revolutionary
proletariat, the subordinate officers of the revolutionary party; when we rise
there rises also our terrible power of the purse."
In a world of
completely organized territorial sovereignties he (the Jew) has only two
possible cities of refuge: he must either pull down the pillars of the whole
national state system or he must create a territorial sovereignty of his own.
In this
perhaps lies the explanation both of Jewish Bolshevism and of Zionism, for at
this moment Eastern Jewry seems to hover uncertainly between the two. This is
not because· the Jew cares for the positive side of radical philosophy, not
because he desires to be a partaker in Gentile nationalism or Gentile democracy,
but because no existing Gentile system of government is ever anything but
distasteful to him.
All that is
true, and Jewish thinkers of the more fearless type always recognize it as true.
The Jew is against the Gentile scheme of things. He is, when he gives his tendencies full sway,
a Republican as against the monarchy, a Socialist as against the republic, and a
Bolshevist as against Socialism. What are the causes of this disruptive
activity? First his essential lack of democracy, Jewish
nature is autocratic. Democracy is all right for the rest of the world, but the
Jew whenever he is found forms an aristocracy of one sort or another. Democracy
is merely a tool of a word which Jewish agitators use to raise themselves to the
ordinary level in places where they are oppressed below it; but having reached
the common level they immediately make efforts for special privileges, as being
entitled to them.
few spokesmen who really do not rule the thought of the Jews but are set forth
for the sole benefit of influencing Gentile thought, that the socially and
economically disruptive elements abroad in the world today are not only MANNED
but also MONEYED by Jewish interests. For a long time this fact was held in
suspense owing to the vigorous denial of the Jews and the lack of information on
the part of those agencies of publicity to which the public had looked for its
But now the facts are coming forth. Just now these tendencies are working in two
directions, one for the tearing down of the Gentile states all over the world,
the other for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. The Jew by
himself in Palestine will eat his head off; he will kick his stable to
Never been
trained in secrets or invisible unity, the Gentile immediately concludes that
such things cannot be if for no other reason than that they have not crossed his
path and advertised themselves. Enlightenment dispels prejudice. It is as
desirable to dispel the prejudice of the Jews as of the Gentile. Jewish writers too
frequently assume that the prejudice is all on one side. The Protocols
themselves ought to have the widest circulation among the Jewish people, in
order that they may check those things which are bringing suspicion upon their
Any writer who attempts fully to inform the Gentile mind on the Jewish Question must often tell that the extent of the Protocols' Conspiracy is so great as to stagger the Gentile mind. Gentiles are not conspirators. They cannot follow a clue through long and devious and darkened channels. The elaborate completeness of the Jewish Program, the perfect co-ordination of its mass of details wearies the Gentile mind. This, really more than the daring of the Program itself, constitutes the principal danger of the Program being fulfilled.
Gentile mental laziness is the most powerful pill the World
Program has.
Jewry, as a whole, has, consciously or
unconsciously, worked for and promoted an international economic, material
despotism which, with Puritanism as an ally, has tended in an ever-increasing
degree to crush national and spiritual values out of existence and substitute
the ugly and deadening machinery of finance and factory. It is a fact that
Jewry, as a whole, strove every nerve to secure and heartily approved of the
overthrow of the Russian monarchy, which they regarded as their most formidable
obstacle in the path of their ambitions and business pursuits. It may be that the Jew often the victims of their own
idealism, have always been instrumental in bringing about the events they most
heartily disapprove of that perhaps is the curse of the Wandering Jew."
It was Weininger, a Jew - and also a Jew hater - who explained why so
many Jews are naturally Communists. Communism is not only an international creed,
but it implies the abnegation of real property, especially property in land, and
Jews being international, have never acquired a taste for real property; they
prefer money. Money is an instrument of power, though eventually, of course,
Communists claim that they will do away with money - when their power is
sufficiently established to enable them to command goods, and exercise despotic
sway without it. Thus the same motives prompt the Jew Communist and his apparent
enemy, the financial Jew.
For Bolshivism is religion and is faith, How could these inverted
believers ever dream to vanquish the "Truthful" and the "Faithful" of their own
creed, these holy crusaders, who had gathered round the Red Standard of the
Prophet Karl Marx, and who fought under the daring guidance of experienced
officers of all latter-day revolutions - the Jews? The question of the
Jews and their influence on the world past and present, cuts to the root of all
things, and should be discussed by every honest thinker, however bristling with
difficulties it is, however complex the subject as well as the individuals of
this Race may be.
There is scarcely an event in modern Europe
that cannot be traced back to the Jews. Take the Great War that appears to have
come to the end and ask yourself what were its causes and its reasons. The Jews have made
this war!
Dr. Levy a Jew, makes the following comments, "There is no doubt that the Jews regularly go one better or
worse than the Gentiles in whatever they do, there is no further doubt that
their influence today justifies a very careful scrutiny, and cannot possibly be
viewed without serious alarm. The great question, however, is whether the Jews
are. I myself
am fully convinced that they are unconscious ones but please do not think that I
wish to exonerate them on that account. A conscious evildoer has my respect, for
he knows at least what is good; an unconscious one - well, he needs the charity
of Christ - a charity which is not mine - to be forgiven for not knowing what he
is doing. You
have noticed with alarm that the Jewish element provide the driving forces for
both Communism and capitalism, for the material well, as the spiritual ruin,
of this
world. But
then you have at the same time the profound suspicion that the reason of all
this extraordinary behavior may be the intense Idealism of the Jew. In this you are
perfectly right. The Jew, if caught by an idea, never
thinks any more in watertight compartments, as do the Teuton and the Anglo-Saxon
people, whose right cerebral hemisphere never seems to know what its left twin
brother is doing; he the Jew, like the Russian, at once begins to practice what
he preaches, he draws the logical conclusion from his tenets, he invariably acts
upon his accepted principles. It is from this quality, no doubt, that
springs his mysterious force – that force which you no doubt condemn, but which
you had to admire even in the Bolshevists. For have not these modern Jews remained true
to type, is there no parallel for them in history, do they not go to the bitter
end even in our dav?
We Jews have erred, my friend, we have most grievously erred. And if there was
truth in our error 3,000, 2,000 nay 100 years ago, there is now nothing but
falseness and madness, a madness that will produce an even greater misery and an
even wider anarchy. I confess to you, openly and sincerely, and with a sorrow,
whose depth and pain an ancient Psalmist, and only he, could moan into this
burning universe of ours. We who have posed as the saviors of the world, we who have even posed as
the saviors of the world, we who have even boasted of having given it "the"
Savior, we are today nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyers, its
incendiaries, its executioners. We who have promised to lead you to a new
Heaven, we have finally succeeded in landing you into a new Hell. I look at this
world, and I shudder at its ghastliness; I shudder all the more as I know the
spiritual authors of all this ghastliness."
there is hope my friend, for we are still here, our last word is not yet spoken,
our last deed is not yet done, our last revolution is not yet made. This, last
Revolution, the Revolution that will crown our revolutionaries will be the
revolution against the revolutionaries. It is bound to come, and it is perhaps upon
us now. The
great day of reckoning is near. It will pass a judgment upon our ancient
faith, and it will lay the foundation to a new religion.
And when that great day has broken, when the values of death and decay
are put into the melting pot to be changed into those of power and beauty". Oscar Levy
In an interview
with Henry Ford, 17 Feb1921 published in the New York World he states,
"The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with
what is going on. They are 16 years old and they have fitted the world situation
up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW."
Charles Lindbergh was the first man to
cross the Atlantic Ocean in an airplane, he left NYC and landed in Paris. Before WWII, he
became part of ½+ of America trying to keep us out of that war (called the
America First Committee), and he was succeeding prior to Pearl Harbor bombing by
the Japanese – the American government enacted an embargo off the coast of
Japan, putting Japan in a starvation mode, in 1940. Having captured a
German decoder, years before WWII, the British government was aware of the plans
of Pearl Harbor, 3 weeks before that bombing, but FDR chose to keep it
classified – he wanted America in that war.
Within the "Wartime Journals of Charles
A. Lindberg", Lindbergh had a few comments about the media, and WWII (WWII was
1939 to 1945 for Germany, 1941 to 1945 United States).
The Times (English) carries a long
account of the Jewish troubles in Germany. I do not understand these riots on the part
of the Germans.
It seems so contrary to their sense of order and their intelligence in
other ways. They have undoubtedly had a difficult Jewish
problem, but why is it necessary to handle it so unreasonably? My admiration
for the Germans is constantly being dashed against some rock such as this. What
is the object in this persecution of the Jews? Do the Germans feel that in this way they can
frighten all Jews sufficiently to prevent incidents such as Herr vom Rath
shooting? Or
is this a countermove to the Jewish pressure on Germany? Or, by bringing up
the Jewish issue and forcing German Jews into other countries, do the Germans
hope to create an international anti-Jewish movement? Or is it simply an
inherent German hatred of Jews - at least on the part of the members of the
present government? Probably a combination of these and other factors. 13Nov1938
During the days I was in Berlin I tried
to obtain a better understanding of the German mind in regard to the Jewish
problem. Germans all seem to be anti-Jewish, but in
varying degrees. I did not talk to a single person who I felt
was not ashamed of the lawlessness and disorder of the recent demonstrations.
But neither
did I talk to anyone who did not want the Jews to get out of Germany, even
though they disagreed with the methods now being used. The Jew, according
to the German, is largely responsible for the internal collapse and revolution
following the war. At the time of the inflation the Jews are said
to have obtained the ownership of a large percentage of property in Berlin and
other cities - lived in the best houses, drove the best automobiles, and mixed
with the prettiest German girls. 22Dec1938
Newspapers all
sorts is unnecessary trouble. I am inclined to think that irresponsible and
completely unrestricted press is one of the greatest dangers of democracy, just
as completely controlled press danger in another direction. 16Jan1939
Hitler's speech
is carried in the morning papers. On the whole, it is plausible and states the
German case well - one of the best written political speeches I have read. Yet
one of the English papers headlines it over the front page as HITLER GETS THE
JITTERS. The press is misleading the people as usual, giving them a completely
wrong impression.
It seems to me that this man, damned almost everywhere except in his own
country, called a fanatic and a madman, now holds the future of Europe in his
hand. Civilization depends upon his wisdom far more than on the action of the
democracies. Whether he now desires to or not, Hitler can
dominate all of the Eastern Hemisphere if he uses intelligence and lays his
plans well, I am more than ever depressed by the shortsightedness and
vacillation of democratic statesmen. Much as I disapprove of many things Germany
has done, I believe she has pursued the only consistent policy in Europe in
recent years. I cannot support her broken promises, but she has only moved a
little faster than other nations have in breaking promises. The question of
right and wrong is one thing by law and another thing by history." 02Apr1939
Taxi to Capital for appointment with
Admiral Byrd. We went into Garner's office adjoining the chamber and talked for
fifteen minutes about the tension which is developing in Europe and the course
the United States should take if war should start over there. We are both anxious
to avoid having this country pushed into a European war by British and Jewish
propaganda, of which there is already too much. I can understand the feeling of both the
British and the Jews, but there is far too much at stake for us to rush into a
European war without the most careful and cool consideration. We over here, 3,000
miles away, have a false and immature conception of most European problems.
Those problems cannot be solved by American goodwill and idealism; they are far
deeper, and I am not sure that our participation in another European war would
help the solution in the end. I think it would be more likely to throw the
entire world into chaos than to "solve it for democracy." 30Junel939
Walked to Bill Castle's home at 6:00 -
about ten minutes from the Anchorage. Fulton Lewis was the only other person there.
The three of us had dinner together and discussed the European situation and the
action this country should take if war breaks out over there. We are disturbed about the effect of the Jewish influence
in our press, radio, and motion pictures. It may become very serious. Lewis told us of one instance where the Jewish advertising
firms threatened to remove all their advertising from the Mutual system if a
certain feature were permitted to go on the air. The threat was powerful enough to have the
feature removed. I do not blame the Jews so much for their
attitude, although I think it unwise from their own standpoint." (23Aug1939)
Off Washington train at 7:50. Lunch with Fulton
Lewis at the Chevy Chase Club. He had also invited Senator Clark, Congressman
Cox, William Dolph (Mutual Broadcasting Company). After lunch I drove
with Lewis to the Mutual studios to arrange details in connection with my
broadcast tonight. The newsreels again requested that I read part
of my address for them after I had broadcast. In the past I have refused their requests;
first, because of the difficulty they have often caused for me; second, and much more important, because of the Jewish influence in
the newsreels and the antagonism I know exists toward me. To speak for the newsreels on a political subject
dangerous, because one has little control over the way they cut the picture or
over the setting in which they place it. That can pick either be the best or the worst
sentences from your talk. As they wish; and can control the emotional attitude
of the audience to a large extent by the picture they place before yours. By speaking for the
newsreels, I take the chance that will cut my talk badly and sandwich it between
scenes of homeless refugees and bombed cathedrals.
However, this is a critical period, and I think it is worth the chance.
Roosevelt has asked for "all out aid"
to the democracies, but his message is not specific - as usual. Roosevelt seems to
be holding back somewhat on the war. Is he afraid it is too late for us to enter
it successfully? I have tried to analyze his thinking, but it
is extremely difficult, for the man is so unstable. I think he has the
ability to persuade himself that whatever he wants himself is also to the best
interest of the country. I feel sure he would, consciously or
unconsciously, like to take the center of the world stage away from Hitler. I think he would
lead this country to war in a moment if he felt he could accomplish this
objective. But
in war he is faced with reality. If a war is lost, the reality is too stark and
too obvious to be hidden in propaganda or sheets of figures, or fireside chats.
If Roosevelt
took this country into war and won, he might be one of the great figures of all
But if we lost, he would be damned forever.
The cards are now stacked against us, and I think that is why he is
wavering - temptation balanced against discretion. And Roosevelt is
clever, even though I do not give him credit for being very wise,
The pressure for war
is high and mounting. The people are opposed to it, but the Administration seems
to have the bit in its teeth and hell-bent on its way to war. Most of the
Jewish interests in the country are behind war, and control a large part of our
press and radio and most of our motion pictures. There are also the
"intellectuals and the Anglophiles", and the British agents who are allowed
free rein, the international financial interests, and many others.
We both
agree that the occupation of Iceland creates an extremely serious situation. The
question is will Hitler order his submarines to torpedo our ships, and if so,
what will Roosevelt do? The President has
cleverly maneuvered us into position where he can create incidents of war and
then claim we have been attacked. The country is now half democracy and half
dictatorship, and neither system is functioning efficiently." 10Jul1941
MacNider made a strong address and was well
received. I
spoke for 25 minutes.
It seemed that over 80% of the crowd was with us by the time I finished;
but the ice had been well broken before I started, by the previous speakers. When I mentioned the three major groups agitating for war -
the British, the Jewish, and the Roosevelt Administration - the entire audience
seemed to stand and cheer. At that moment
whatever opposition existed was completely drowned out by our support. Our opposition press, of course, picks out and emphasizes
the radical and fanatical types who attend. 11Sep1941
My Des Moines address has caused so
much controversy that General Wood has decided to hold a meeting of the American
First National Committee in Chicago. I
must, of course, attend. I felt I had worded my Des Moines address carefully and
moderately. It
seems that almost anything can be discussed today in America except the Jewish
The very mention of the word "Jew" is cause for a
storm. Personally, 1 feel the hope for a moderate
solution lies in the open and frank discussion." 15Sepl941
John Flynn came at 11:00, and we talked
the situation over for an hour. Flynn says he does not question the
truth of what I said at Des Moines , but feels it was inadvisable to mention the
Jewish problem. It is difficult for me to
understand Flvnn's attitude.
He feels strongly that the Jews are among the major influences pushing
this country toward war. He has said
frequently and he says so now. He is perfectly willing to talk about it among
small groups of people in private. But apparently he would rather see us get
into war than mention in public what the Jews are doing, no matter how
tolerantly and
moderately it is done." (18Sep1941)
General Wood has given a tremendous
amount of his time and effort to the America First Committee. He is working much
too hard for a man of his age and looks tired. He sees the country being led closer and
closer to war in spite of anything we do. Our strength
and influence is growing rapidly, but the power of our opposition is great. The
amazing thing is not that we are so close to war but that we have been able to
hold the war forces back as we have. Their ranks include the American government,
the British government , the Jews, and the major portion of the press, radio,
and motion picture facilities of the country. We have on our side, the mass of the people, but it is
question of how long the people can withstand the flood of propaganda with which
the country is being covered. They have no accurate
source of information to which to turn. Also, regardless of the attitude of our people
it is a question as to whether the President will force us into war by actions
and incidents which will make it unavoidable. He is in a position where he can
force war on us whether we want it or not. (04Oct1941)
Stopped at Hoover's apartment at 11:00 for a short conference. He felt that whether or not we intervene in the war now depends far more upon the speed of military developments in Europe than upon opposition that can be exerted in this country. Hoover told me he felt the Des Moines address was mistake (the mention of the Jews in connection with the war-agitating groups) I told him I felt the statements had been both moderate and true. He replied that when he had been in politics long enough you learned not to say things just because they are true. But after all I am not a politician - and that is one of the reasons I don't wish to be one. I would rather what I believe when I want to than to measure every statement I make its probable popularity)." 06Octl941
Marx was a Jew
and almost to the man, the Bolshevik ruling clique was composed of many Jews.
With a population ratio of 1.77%, Jews in Lennin's Russia made up a 5.27 of the
total party membership, 25.77. of the party's Central Committee and from 36.8%
to 42.9% of the ruling Politburo, while among Soviet diplomats and especially
senior officials of the secret police the percentage of Jews was even greater.
(Geoffrey Bailey, the Conspirators, Harper, New York, 1960, p129,
To read Hitler's Mein Kampf. 1925-26,
600 pages, (My Struggle) is to step into many of the problems of
modern America. The issues that Hitler raises are of interest
to us today, regardless of our individual feelings for Hitler. The purpose of
taking quotations from Adolph Hitler is not to promote nor attack any ideology
associated with Hitler and the Nazi party. The purpose is to provide the reader with
another piece of the puzzle as it relates to social turmoil within modern
America and the rest of the world. There is a connection. Hitler was
very much against smoking and drinking in a time before such thoughts were
socially acceptable. He would not tolerate smoking in his presence.
In addition,
he was a vegetarian because he did not believe in the slaughter of "innocent
animals. Hitler also rejected the modern motion
pictures as vulgar. He was also an admirer of traditional Western
art and music. In essence, if one sets aside WWII and the
propaganda of movies and TV, most of the people of today would consider Hitler
to be very prudish. It should be interesting to read the exact
words of the man who rose from street vagrant, to German patriot/soldier, to the
most feared dictator in the world. These are the words, the feelings,that
aroused the German masses. Quotations from Mein Kampf are listed below.
The first half of the book was written in 1923 while Hitler was in prison for
attempting to overthrow the new and existing government within Germany. Then, he was an
enemy of the State
Jewrv alone is the key to the comprehension of the inner, the
intention of Social Democracy. He who knows this race will raise the veil of
false conceptions, and out of the mist and fog of social phrases there rises the
grinning, to the face of Marxism.
It was only when I was 14 or 15 that I
came upon the word Jew more frequently, partly in connection with political
discussions. I
felt a slight dislike and could not ward off a disagreeable sensation which
seized me whenever confessional differences took place in my presence. At that
time I did not look upon this question from any other point of view. There were only a
very few Jews in Linz. In the course of the centuries their external
appearance become Eurpoean and human; yes even looked upon them as Germans. The
nonsense of this notion was not clear to me, since I saw the only distinguishing
mark in their strange religion. The fact that they had been persecuted on
that account (as I believed) turned my aversion against unfavorable remarks
about them almost into abhorrence. I had no idea at all that organized hostility
against the Jews existed.
The Jews activity in the press, in art,
literature and
the theatre, as I learned to know it, did not add to their credit in my eyes.
All unctuous
assertions were of little or no avail. It was sufficient to look at billboards, to
read the names of those who produced these awful works for the theaters and
movies if one wanted to become hardened for a long time. This was pestilence,
spiritual pestilence with which the people were infected, worse than the Black
Death of former times! And in what quantities this poison was
produced and distributed! Of course, the lower the spiritual and the
moral standard of such an art manufacturer, the greater his fertility, till such
a fellow, like a centrifugal machine, splashes his dirt into the faces of
others. Besides, one must remember their countless
number; one must remember that for one Goethe, Nature plays a dirty trick upon
mankind in producing ten thousand such scribblers who was germ carriers of the
worst sort, poison the minds of the world.
It could not be overlooked how terrible it was that the Jew above all was
chosen in so great a number for this disgraceful task. Was this to prove the
fact that the Jews were the chosen people?
The fact was not to be denied that 90%
of all literary and artistic rubbish and of theatrical humbug was due to a race
which hardly amounted to one-hundredth of all inhabitants of the country. Yet it
was so. Now I
began to examine my beloved 'world press' from this point of view. The deeper I probed,
the more the subject of my former admiration diminished, I could no longer stand
its style, I had to reject its contents on account of its shallowness, the
objectivity of its presentation seemed untrue rather than honest truth; the
authors, however, were Jews.
Now I saw the liberal attitude of the
press in a different light; its dignified language, when answering attacks, or
its completely ignoring them, was revealed to me as a trick as clever as it was
mean; the glorified theatrical criticisms always dealt with Jewish authors, and
never did they attack anyone except the German. The slight pinpricks against
Wilhelm II proved in its consistence the methods, and so did the commendation of
French culture and civilization. The trashy contents of the novel now became
obscene, and the language contained tones of a foreign race; the general
intention was obviously so detrimental to the German nationality that it could
only have been intentional.
But who had an interest in this? Was it
all a mere accident? Slowly I became uncertain. This development was accelerated by my
insight into a series of other events. This was the conception of manners and
morality as it was openly shown and exercised by a great number of Jews. Now I did not evade
the discussion of the Jewish question any longer; no I sought it out. As I learned to look
for the Jew in every field of our culture and artistic life, I suddenly bumped
against him in a place where I had never suspected. The scales dropped from my
eyes when I found the Jew as the leader of Social Democracy. This put an end to
a long internal struggle. During my daily contact with my worker
comrades, I was struck by the change ability with which they demonstrated
different attitudes towards one and the same question, sometimes in the course
of a few days, sometimes even after a few hours. I could hardly understand how
people who expressed sensible opinions when talked to individually suddenly
changed their minds when influenced by the spell of the masses. It often made me
dispair. After
hours of talking I often thought that I had broken the ice or cleared up some
nonsense and rejoiced at my success, only to find to my dismay on the following
day that I had to start all over again everything had been in vain. The madness
of their ideas seemed to swing back and forth like a pendulum in perpetual
I could still understand everything:
that they were dissatisfied with their lot and cursed Fate for hitting them so
hard; that they hated the employers whom they looked upon as the cruel
executives of Fate; that they cursed the authorities who in their eyes had no
understanding for their situation; that they demonstrated against the high cost
of living and marched in the streets to make their demands; all this I could
understand at least without recourse to reason. But what I never understood was their
boundless hate towards their own nationality, how they despised their national
greatness, soiled its history and abused its heroes. The fight against
one's own race, against one's own nest and homeland, was senseless as
incomprehensible. It was unnatural. One could cure them temporarily of this vice,
but only for days or weeks at the most. If later one met the supposed convert again,
he had become the same as before. The unnatural had taken hold of him again.
I gradually realized that the Social
Democratic press was headed primarily by Jews; but I did not attach special
importance to this fact, as it was the same with the other newspapers. But one
thing struck me: there was not one paper that employed Jews, which had a really
national tendency, as I understood it, based on my education and attitude. Now, although I
made an effort and tried to read these Marxian products of the press, my
aversion was intensified; I tried to get better acquainted with the producers of
this mass of knavery.
They were all Jews from the publishers downwards. I took all the
Social Democratic pamphlets I could get hold of and traced the names of their
authors: they all were Jews. I memorized the names of all the leaders; the
greater part of them were also members of the 'chosen people, no matter if they
were representatives of the Reichsrat or secretaries of the unions, presidents
of organizations or street agitators. One always found the same uncanny
picture. Only
now I learned thoroughly to know the seducers of our people. The more I argued
with them, the more I got to know their dialectics. First they counted
on the ignorance of their adversary; then, when there was no way out, they
themselves pretended stupidity. If all this was of no avail, they refused to
understand or they changed the subject when driven into a corner; they brought
up truisms, but they immediately transferred their acceptance to quite different
subjects, and, if attacked again, they gave way and pretended to know nothing
exactly. Whenever one attacked one of these prophets,
one's hands seized slimy jelly; it slipped through one's fingers only to collect
again in the next moment. If one smote one of them so thoroughly that,
with the bystander watching, he could agree, and if one thus thought he had
advanced at least one step, one was greatly astonished the next day. The Jew did
not remember the day before, he continued to talk in the same old strain as if
nothing had happened, and if indignantly confronted, he pretended to be
astonished and could not remember anything except that his assertions had
already been proven true the day before.
One did not know what to admire more;
their glibness of tongue or their skill in lying. I gradually began to hate
them. All this
had one good side: in the measure in which the bearers, or at least the
propagators, of Social Democracy caught my attention, my love for my own people
grew. Knowing the
infernal versatility of these seducers, who dared to condemn the unhappy
victims? How
difficult I found it myself to master the dialectical lies of this race! How futile was
success with people who turned truth into untruth, who denied the word that just
has been spoken only to claim it as their own the very next minute! No. The better I
learned to know the Jew, the more I had to forgive the worker. It was the duty of
every thinking human being to join the front ranks of the unhappy movement to
prevent the worst possible disaster; on the other, the instigators of this
national illness must have been devils incarnate; only in the brains of a
monster-not in the brains of a human being-could the plan for an organization
take shape and meaning, an organization whose activity must lead to the ultimate
collapse of human culture and with it the devastation of the world.
In this case the only remaining
salvation was fight; a fight with all weapons which the human mind, reason, and
will power are able to grasp, no matter which side will then be favored for
Fate. This was the time in which the greatest change I was ever to experience
took place in me. From a feeble
cosmopolite I had turned into a fanatical anti-Semite. The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic
principle in nature; instead of the eternal privilege of force and strength,
it places the mass of numbers and its deadweight. Thus it denies the value of
the individual in man, disputes the meaning of nationality and race, depriving
mankind of the assumption for its existence and culture. As the basis
of the universe it would lead up to the end of all order conceivable to man.
And as in this
greatest discernible organism only chaos could be the result of the application
of such a law, so on this earth the decline of its inhabitants would be the
result. If,
with the help of the Marxian creed, the Jew conquers the nations of this world,
his crown will become the funeral wreath of humanity, and once again this
planet, empty of mankind, will move through the ether as it did thousands of
years ago. Eternal Nature inexorably revenges the transgressions of her
The Jewish
State was never spatially limited in itself; it was universally unlimited in
respect to space, but it was restricted to the collectivity of a race. This is the reason
these people always form a State within other States. It was one of the most
ingenious tricks that was ever invented to let this State sail under the flag of
"Religion" thus securing for it the tolerance that the Aryan is always ready to
grant it to a
religious denomination. Actually the ready to grant it to a religion
is nothing but doctrine of the preservation of the Jewish race. Therefore, it
comprises also nearly all sociological, political, and economic fields of
knowledge which could ever come into question.
From that time I felt infinitely sorry because of this. In
these things I could only see the most ingenious trick of the Jew to divert
general attention from himself and draw it to others. While now the
Bavarian and the Prussian quarreled, the Jew pulled away their means of
existence for under the very noses of both; while abusing the Prussian, the Jew
organized the revolution and smashed Prussia as well as Bavaria at the same
time. The Jew
forms the strongest contrast in the Arvan. Hardly in any people of the world is the
instinct of self-preservation more strongly developed than the so-called "chosen
The fact of the existence of this race alone it
looked upon as the best proof of this.
In the Jewish
people, the will to sacrifice oneself does not go beyond the bare instinct of
self-preservation of the individual. The seemly great feeling of belonging together
is rooted in a very primitive herd instinct, as it shows itself in a similar way
in many other living beings in this world. Thereby the fact is remarkable that in all
these cases a common herd instinct leads to mutual support only as long as a
common danger makes this seem useful or unavoidable. The Jew remains
united only if forced as long as common danger or if attracted by common booty;
if both reasons are no longer evident, then the qualities of the crassest egoism
come into their own, and it is moment, the united people become horde of rats,
fighting bloodily among themselves.
If the Jew were alone in this world,
they would suffocate as much in dirt and filth, as they would carrv on a
detestable struggle to cheat and to ruin each other, although the complete 1ack
of the will to
sacrifice, expressed in_ their cowardice, would also this instance make the
fight a comedy.
Thus it is fundamentally wrong to
conclude, merely from the fact of their standing together in a fight, or more,
rightly expressed, in their exploiting their fellow human beings, that the Jews
have a certain idealistic will to sacrifice themselves. Here, too, the Jew
is led by nothing but pure egoism on the part of the individual.
For this reason, however, the Jewish
people, with all its apparent intellectual qualities, is nevertheless without
any true culture, especially without a culture of its own. But how far
the Jew takes over foreign culture, only imitating, or rather destroying it, may
be seen from the fact that he is found most frequently in that art which also
appears directed least of all towards invention of its own, the art of acting.
But here too, he is really only the juggler or rather the ape; for here, too, he
lacks the ultimate touch of real greatness; here, too, he is not the ingenious
creator, but the outward imitator, whereby all the turns and tricks he applies
cannot deceive us concerning the inner lack of life of his creative ability.
Here the Jewish press alone comes
lovingly to his aid, because about every, even the most mediocre, bungler,
provided that he is a Jew, it raises such a clamor of hosannas that the rest of
the world finally actually believes that it sees a real artist before its eyes,
whereas in reality it has only to deal with a wretched comedian. His intellect,
therefore, will never have a constructive effect, but only a destructive one,
and in very rare cases it is perhaps stimulating at the utmost, but then in the
form of the original prototype of that force which always wants evil and
nevertheless creates good. Any progress of mankind takes place not through him
but in spite of him.
In the Jew's life as a parasite in the body of other nations and States,
his characteristic is established which once caused Schopenhauer to pronounce
the sentence, already mentioned, that the Jew is the "great master of lying”.
Life urges the Jew towards the lie, that is to a perpetual lie, just as it
forces the inhabitants of northern countries to wear warm clothes.
His life within other peoples can only exist in the long run if he succeeds in creating the impression as though he were not a people but only a "religious community" though a special one. But with this the first great lie starts.
In order to lead his existence as a people' parasite he is forced to deny his inner nature. Now the more intelligent the individual Jew is, the more will he succeed in this delusion. It can even go so far that great parts of the host nation finally believe in all sincerity that the Jew is really a Frenchman or an Englishman, a German or an Italian, though also of a special denomination. State authorities, which always seem to be animated only by the historical "fraction" of wisdom fall most easily victim of this infamous deception. In these circles independent thinking is looked upon as a genuine sin against the holy advancement.
Therefore, his sole endeavor is aimed
at putting himself into complete possession of the "civil" rights. At first,
therefore, he begins to make good, in the eyes of the people, what so far he had
sinned against it. He begins to change as benefactor of mankind.
After a short time he begins even to twist these things
such as to make it appear as though so far one had only wronged him and not vice
versa. Those that are especially stupid believe this and they cannot but have
sympathy with the poor "unfortunate" one. But even more: the Jew becomes suddenly also
"liberal" and begins to rave about the necessary "progress" of mankind. Thus he makes
himself the spokesman of new time.
Of course, he destroys then also more
and more thoroughly the foundations of a truly useful national economy. By the roundabout
way of the "share" capital he pushes his way into the circulation of national
For the strengthening of his political position he tries to pull down the
racial and civil barriers which at first still restrain him at every step. For this
purpose he fights with all his innate thoroughness for religious tolerance and
in the completely deteriorated Freemasonry he has an excellent instrument for
fighting out and also for putting over his aims. By the strings of Freemasonry the circles of
the government and the higher layers of the political and economic bourgeoisie
fall into his nets without their even guessing this.
But thereby he
always presents himself as infinitely thirsty for knowledge, he praises all
progress, but most of all, of course, that progress which leads others to
destruction: for in all knowledge and every development he sees forever only the
possibility of the advancement of his own nationality, and, where this
possibility does not exist, he is the inexorable and mortal enemy of all light,
the des-poser of all true culture. Thus he applies all knowledge
which he takes in the schools of the others, only to the service of his
Yet in order to
disguise his activity and to disquise his activity to his victims and to put
them to sleep, he speaks now more and more of the equality of all without
consideration without consideration to race or color. And those who are stupid
begin to believe him.
His final goal in this State, however, is the victory of "democracy", or as he understands it, because it eliminates the personality and in its place it puts the majority of stupidity, incapacity, and last, but not least, cowardice.
The enormous economic development leads to change the
social classification of the people. While the small craftsman die out gradually
and thus the worker's possibility of winning an independent existence becomes
more and more rare, the worker becomes more visibly proletarian. While the
bourgeoisie does not care at all about this enormus important question, but
indifferently lets things take their course, the Jew seizes the unlimited
opportunity for the future which is offered here, and while on the one side he
organizes the capitalistic methods of exploiting human beings to the ultimate
consequence, he approaches the very victims of his spirit and his activity, and
after a short
time he becomes even the leader of their fight and to change the guilt to the
others. As he
has the impudence to lead the masses in such a manner, the latter does not even
think at all that this could mean the most villainous betrayal of all times. And
yet it was so.
He approaches the worker, pretends to
have pity on him, or even to feel indignation at his lot of misery and poverty,
in order more easily to gain his confidence in this way. He takes pains to
study all the actual (or imagined) hardships of his life and to awaken a longing
for changing such an existence. In an infinitely shy manner, to stimulates
the need for social justice, dormant in every Aryan, to the point of hatred
against those who have been better favored by fortune and thus he gives the
fight for the abolition of social evils a definite stamp of a view of life.
He founds the
Marxist theory.
By the categorical rejection of
personality and, with it, of the nation and its racial contents, it destroys the
elementary foundations of the entire human culture which depends on just these
factors. This
is the true inner nucleus of the Marxist view of life as far as one may call
this monstrous product of a criminal mind a "view of life." With the
destruction of the personality and the race in this world, there vanishes the
essential obstacle for the domination of the inferior: this, however, is the
He does not wish the preservation of an
independent national economy, but its destruction.
His unfailing instinct for such things
senses in each individual the original soul, and his hostility is assured to him
who is not the spirit of his spirit. As the Jew is not the one who is attacked, but
the attacker, consequently his enemy is not only who attacks, but also who
resists him. The means, however, by which he tries to break
such daring but upright souls is not called honest fight, but lie and calumny.
Here he is not
frightened by anything at all and his baseness becomes so gigantic that nobody
need wonder that in our people the personification of the Devil, as the symbol
of all evil, assumes the living appearance of the Jew.
The ignorance of the great masses about
the inner nature of the Jew, the lack of instinct and narrow-mindedness of our
classes, make the people easily fall victim to this Jewish campaign of
lies. While
the upper classes, out of their inborn cowardice, turn from a man who is
attacked by the Jew in such manner with lie and calumny the great masses, out of
stupidity or simplicity, usually believe everything. But the State
authorities either wrap themselves in silence, or, as is mostly the case, they
persecute him who is unjustly attacked, in order to make an end to the nuisance
of the Jewish press, something which then, in the eyes of such an official
idiot, appears as the preservation of State authority and as safeguarding peace
and order.
Slowly the fear of the Marxist weapon
of Jewry sinks into the brains and souls of innocent people like a nightmare.
One begins to tremble before the terrible enemy, and thus one has become his
final victim.
For while Zionism tries to make the other part of the world believe that
the national self-consciousness of the Jew finds satisfaction in the creation of
a Palestinian State, the Jews again most slyly dupe the stupid Gentile. They
have no thought of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so that they might
perhaps inhabit it, but they only want a central organization of their
international world cheating, endowed with prerogatives, withdrawn from the
seizure of others: a refuge for convicted rascals and a high school for future
For hours the black-haired Jew boy,
diabolic joy in his face, waits in ambush for the unsuspecting girl who he
defiles with his blood and thus robs her from her people. With the aid of all
means he tries to ruin the racial foundations of the people to be enslaved.
Exactly as he,
himself, systematically demoralizes women and girls, he is not scared from
pulling down the barriers of blood and race for others on a large scale. It was and is the
Jews who bring the negro to the Rhine, always with the same concealed thought
and the clear goal of destroying, by the bastardization which would necessarily
set in, the white race which they hate, to throw it down from its cultural and
political height and in turn to rise personally to the position of master.
For racially pure people, conscious of
its blood, can never be enslaved by the Jew. He will forever be the master of bastards in
this world.
Thus he systematically tries to lower
the racial level by permanent poisoning of the individual.
In the political sphere, however, he
begins to replace the idea of democracy by that of the dictatorship of the
In the organized mass of Marxism he has found the weapon which makes him
now dispense with democracy and which allows him, instead, to enslave and to
rule the people dictatorially with the brutal fist. He now works
methodically towards the revolution in a twofold direction: economically and
Thanks to his international influence,
he ensnares with a net of enemies those peoples which put up a too violent
resistance against the enemy for within, he drives them into war, and finally,
if necessary, he plants the flag of revolution on the battlefield. Politically he
denies to the State all means of self-preservation, he destroys the bases of any
national self-dependence and defense, he destroys the confidence in the leaders,
he derides history and the past, and he pulls down into the gutter everything
which is truly great.
In the domain of culture he infects
art, literature, theater, smites natural feeling, overthrows all conceptions of
beauty and sublimit, of nobility and quality, and in turn he pulls the people
down into the confines of his own swinish nature.
Religion is ridiculed, customs of
morality are presented as outlived, until the last supports of a nationality in
the fight for human existence in this world have fallen.
Now begins the great, final revolution.
The Jew, by gaining the political power, cast off the few cloaks which he still
wears. The democratic national Jew becomes the blood Jew and the people's
tyrant. In the course of a few years he tries to eradicate the national
supporters of intelligence, and, while he thus deprives the people of their
natural spiritual leaders, he makes them ripe for the slave's destiny of
permanent subjugation. The most terrible example of this kind is
offered by Russia where he killed or starved about thirty million people with a
truly diabolic ferocity under inhuman tortures, in order to secure to a crowd of
Jewish scribblers and stock exchange robbers the rulership over a great
people. But
the end is not only the Jew, but also of the freedom of the peoples oppressed by
the Jew, but also the end of these peoples' para sites themselves. With the death of the victim this peoples' vampire will
also die sooner or later.
He who picks up a Jewish newspaper in the morning without finding himself abused in it has not usefully applied the previous day; for if it were so he would be persecuted, slandered, abused, cursed, and sullied by the Jew. And only he who most successfully opposes this mortal enemy of our nationality and of every Aryan people and culture has the right also to hope for himself for the calumnies of their race and thus for the attack of his people.
The renunciation of the homage to a great mind means the
loss of an immense energy which streams forth from the names of all great men
and also women of this earth. The Jew knows this best of all. Just he, whose
great men are only great in the destruction of mankind and its culture, sees to
their idolatrous admiration. He attempts to picture the people's
admiration for their own geniuses as unworthy and stamps it with the word
worship of the person.
Times have changed since the Congress
of Vienna: princes and the mistresses of princes do not barter and haggle about
frontiers, but the implacable world Jew lies struggling for domination over the
nations. No nation can dislodge this fist from its throat except by
the sword.
Only the united, concentrated force of mighty insurgent nationalist
passion can defy the international enslavement of the nations. But such development
and remains a bloody one.
Therefore, I
believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator: By warding
off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord's work."
Frances Parker Yockey was born in Chicago, and constantly astounded his parents with quick intelligence. He graduated Notre Dame in 1941. After a short stent in the Army, he served as Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Wayne County (Detroit), Michigan. In 1946 he quit his job to take a position with the War Crimes Tribunal, set up by American liberals and Russian communities to punish Nazis. He resigned in 1948, working without note, wrote the 600 page Imperium, at Brittas Bay, Ireland. He managed to have 200 sets of the original two-volume work printed in London. The State Department refused to renew his passport, but this did not stop his international journeying, meeting people of like mind. He was apprehended in Oakland, California, June 6, 1960, 6 fake passports in his possession, jailed in San Francisco, held on $50,000 bail. Eleven days later he was found dead in his cell. His crime was writing and distribution of the book Imperium – a treatise on the direction the West would be required to take. It is a seminal work, 100 years before its time, one of my favorites.
From "Imperium" (1948) The best-known example of this organic regularity, and the
most Fate-laden for all concerned, was the contact between the group called Jews
and the Western Culture. Until the discovery of the organic unity of a
High Culture, and its inner articulation, no final understanding of what has
come to be called "the Jewish problem" was possible. At this point, only
the racial aspect of this problem is touched on, and it is only necessary to
explain the origin of the Jewish race now existing.
The Jew is a
product of another Culture. When the Western Culture arose, the Jews were
distributed through a part of its area, mostly in Spain and Italy. The Arabian
Culture, then as its very last stage, had created the Jews as a unity, and they
were in the form of this expiring Culture. Hence the stirrings of the Western Idea
could not touch them inwardly at all. They held themselves entirely aloof from
anything Western. They had an entire world-outlook and
world-feeling of their own, which needed no impulse from without, that could
only resist any other Culture. This basic fact kept the Jew entirely
separate from the West spiritually and racially the West rejected his
world-feeling, he rejected theirs. Mutual hatred and mutual persecution only
strengthened the Jewish race, sharpened its cunning, and increased its
The Jew brought his feeling with him
from this alien Culture. He regarded his next-door Western neighbor as
foreign. The
public life of his Western host-nation was a matter of indifference to him, and
he had his own public-life, unnoticed by the West. Their laws were not, nor did their religion, nor do their
ethics, customs, thoughts, habits, and above all their political life not touch
him with its ideas of Fatherland, patriotism, military service,
Thus we see that while mere race cannot
prevent assimilation of new stock from outside, Cultural barriers will.
Certain numbers must of course be present for an alien group to maintain
its identity within the body of a culturally-alien host. A tiny group could
not so preserve itself.
Into the tiny hamlets there were no cities of the awakening West, these
finished cosmopolitans built their ghettos. Money-thinking, which seemed evil to the deeply religious
West, was the forte of this highly civilized alien people. Interest-taking was forbidden by the Church to Christians,
and this conferred a monopoly of money on the strangers. (note in
America, the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, from which the local individual banks
obtain money to loan out, are privately owned – and the “Fed” as it is called,
get a cut, indirectly through management fees, of every loan through banks, made
in America.
Even the United States Congress does not know the ownership of these
banks owned by individuals – kc).
The Judengasse
was millennium ahead UL Cultural development of its surroundings. The legend of the
wandering Jew arose at this time, expressing the feeling of uncanniness that the
Westerner felt in the presence of this landless stranger who was everywhere at
home. The West
understood as little of his Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, Kabbalism, and Yesirah, as
he of its Christianity and Scholastic philosophy. This mutual inability to
understand generated feelings of alienness, fear, and hatred. Although the
motivation of these excesses was not racial, it was race-creating. What did not
destroy the Jews made them stronger, and separated them further than ever from
the host peoples, physically and spiritually.
The 20th century saw for the first time
that he had his own public 1ife of his own world down to the details. It realized that the
comprehensiveness of his outlook was the equivalent of its own in breath and
depth and therefore alien in a total sense which was never before
In its previous
centuries, the viewpoint of the West toward the Jew was limited by its stage of
development at the time, but with the 20th century and its universal outlook,
the entirety of what has been called "the Jewish problem" is seen for the first
time. Not
race, not religion, not ethics, not nationality, not political allegiance but
something which includes them all, separates the Jew from the West
Culture embraces the totality of
world-outlook: science, art, philosophy, religion, technics, economics, erotic,
law, society, politics.
every branch of the Western Culture, the Jew has developed his own taste and
preference, and when he intervenes in the public life of the Western peoples, he
conducts himself in a distinct fashion, namely in the style of the public life
of the Jewish Church-State-Nation-People-Race. This public was invisible to the
inward West until the 20th century.
Eight hundred years, of robbery,
hatred, massacre, and persecution on both sides had aroused within the Jews
traditions of hatred of the West even stronger than the old Western hatred of
the Jew. In
its new outburst of generosity and forgiveness, the West renounced its old
feelings, but the Jew was unable to reciprocate. Super-personal organic unities were here
opposed, and these higher unities do not share with human beings things like
reason and sentiment.
The new movements, capitalism,
industrial revolution, democracy, materialism all were tremendously exciting to
the Jew. With
the crumbling of the old Western traditions before the onslaught of the new
ideas, the Jew forged ahead. In the materialistic 19th century with its
vertical racism, the Jew was regarded as merely racially different. In this century,
with the West passing into a unit of Culture, nation, race, society, economics,
State, the Jew appears clearly in his own total unity, a complete inner stranger
to the soul of the West.
In fulfilling the proper, Destiny
combats the alien.
It cannot be said too often that hatred and malice, tolerance and
goodwill have nothing whatever to do with this fundamental process. A Culture is an
organism, an organism of a different class from man, just as man is an organism
of a different class from animals. This hierarchy of organisms is obviously of
the divine and it cannot be changed by a process of propaganda, no matter how
continuous, and tolerance no matter how self -renouncing or self-deception, no
matter how complete,
The first
result of the presence of a Culture parasitic body is known. He displaced unborn
white men in America. By performing part of the life task, he made
unborn millions unnecessary, and therefore this great mass of Africans has
reduced the America by 10% for at the present moment
America acquired even its section of Jewry
from Europe, whence it had acquired its materialistic philosophy, to both of
which it succumbed.
was not coincidence. The word spread rapidly through the Jewish
population of Europe that anti-semitism was less of a threat in America, and
that other opportunities, such as the economic, were equal to those Europe
offered to the Jew. This was perfectly sound, and was a tribute to
the collective Jewish instinct, from 1880 to 1950, approximately remember, no
exact figures exist five to seven million Jews arrived in America. At the present time,
the Jews in America number approximately eight to twelve million. At any rate,
it is a considerable number, and displaces its own number of Americans from
existence. It
was obvious that the mutual contact of the West and the Jew had an opposite
signification for the two organisms. To the Jew, it was a source of strength, and
informing; to the West it was a drain of strength, and deforming. The Jew was within
the West, but the West was not within him. Persecution
strengthens, if it stops short of extermination.
A millennium of massacres, robbery,
cheating, burning, insults, mistreatments, expulsions, exploitation these were
the gift of the West to the Jew. They not only strengthened him, made him
race-hard, but gave him a mission, the mission of revenge and destruction. The Western peoples
and monarchs were storing up explosives in the soul of the alien in their
The Jew could not emerge in his unity
and fight the West openly, for the reason of the odds involved. The West would at
once have united against an open Jewish attack, and destroyed him utterly. The Jew had
perforce to carry on his politics by the method of penetrating the conflicts
among Western forces, ideas, States, and trying to influence the outcome in his
favor. He
favored always the side pointing toward materialism, triumph of economics,
opposition to absolutism, opposition to the religious unity of the West, freedom
of trade and usury.
An absolute
monarchy, with its centralization of power, militates against the subservience
of the State to the power of Money. Therefore the idea was to introduce
constitutional monarchy into France, and for this purpose, the distorters and
their instrument.
We do not know
what Western history had otherwise been, but it is quite obvious that the power
of Money never would have enjoyed its absolute sway during the 19th century if
it had not been for the disease of Culture-distortion. There would have
been two poles in the Western soul reaching down into every individual the pole
of money-thinking, and the pole of authority and tradition. The absolute triumph
of Money exacted a horrible toll of Western lives and health. It sacrificed the
agricultural class of whole countries to the selfish interest of
No historian
has ever presented the policy and effect of the Cultural-distorters better than
Baruch Levy presented it in his famous letter to Marx: The Jewish people,
taken collectively, will be its own Messiah. It will attain to mastery of the world through
the union of all other human races, through abolition of boundaries and
monarchies, which are the bulwarks of Particularism, and through the erection of
a universal Republic, in which the Jews will everywhere enjoy universal
rights. In
this new organization of mankind the sons of Israel will spread themselves over
the whole inhabited world and they, since they belong all to the same race and
culture-tradition, without at the same time having a definite nationality, will
form the leading element without finding opposition. The government of
nations, which will make up this universal Republic, will pass without effort
into the hands of the Israelites, by the very fact of the victory of the
proletariat. The Jewish race can then do away with private property, and after
that everywhere administer the public funds.
There is nothing sinister about it to
the distorter to him the West is a brutish monster of pride, selfishness, and
cruelty. The
life-conditions of the two organisms, or any two organisms of this rank, are
simply different. For the distorter to promote the economic
obsession within the West, which undermines its soul and opens a path for him,
is only obedience to the obvious. It is the eternal relationship of host and
parasite, which is found in the plant world, the wor1d of anima1s, and the world
of human beings. For the West to be itself is to stifle the
expression of the distorter and restrict his soul: for him to be himself is to
frustrate the expression of the Western soul.
It must be clearly understood that
Culture-distortion cannot kill the host, for it cannot reach to the Soul, but
only affect the expression of that Soul, as they reach the phase of
actualization. If distortion could reach the Soul, it would
no longer be felt as such, for the Soul would be changed. Here is the source
of the tension: the disjunction between that which was possible and that which
has become actual is visible. Reaction begins: with each victory of
Culture-distortion, the feeling of frustration grows, and the more determined is
the hostility of the Culture-bearing elements. Propaganda cannot touch this process, for it
is organic, and must occur, while Life is present.
The distorter never appeared as
himself, for so to do would have been to destroy himself, a tiny parasite in a
gigantic host. Distortion was always masked by Western ideals
- freedom, democracy, liberty, and the like. This again, was not sinister, for
it was a life-necessity of the distorter thus to conduct his policy. His small numbers
precluded a challenge of the entire West on the battlefield.
The democratization of a land was a
prerequisite to the conquest of power therein. If the resistance was too great within, other
nations where power had already been gained were mobilized against the
recalcitrant nation, and war was the result.
Because of the
extent of their public power, (Jews) they were able to hold up these horrors as
worthy successors to Rembrandt and Wagner. Any minor artist continuing to work in the old
traditions was smothered while a Culture-distorter was praised as a great
artist. The tendency in the middle of the 20th century finally became simply to
take old works of art and distort them, without any pretense as to the process.
A form of
"music" taken from the primitive culture of Africa aborigines was adopted, and
the works of western masters were forced into this form.
In 1933, the
real political issue again took shape, and there filled unsuccessful attempt to
solve it by legalistic means. In that year occurred the fateful Revolution,
the seizure of the central power to the Culture-distorting group in America. The
new regime did not at once dominate the judiciary, since it has life tenure of
office. The
judiciary vetoed every one of the principal internal measures of the new regime,
until, in 1937 it was intimidated by the threat of creating enough new judges to
outvote the opponents of the regime. Grant had successfully done this in 1870 to
coerce a hostile Supreme Court, showing that judicial review was merely
tolerated by the ruling forces in America so long as it was in their
After 1936 the Court soon passed into
the control of the Revolution, and judicial veto of political measures was
terminated. It may possibly be used as a slogan, or resurrected as a show, but
the forces which the 20th century has let loose do not take legalism
seriously. The
weapon of judicial review in America possessed some conservative efficacy during
the first onslaughts of the Revolution of 1933, but it was a negative
Only a creative movement can prevail against a determined Revolution,
only politics can defeat politics.
The "separation
of power" theory has worked out in practice to mean either the domination of all
branches of the government by the same interests, or else the splitting of the
branches between two opposing groups. The authoritarian spirit of the 20th century spells
the end of attempts to "separate" the powers of government. Empty theorizing may
continue but this method of politics is dead in America as well as
Party-politics is tied to commercialism, Rationalism,
Materialism, economic activity. With the spirit of the Age of Resurgence of
Authority, party politics gives way to authoritarian forms, regardless of
theories of techniques employed. The power is simply there for an ambitious man
or group to take. As the American Revolution of 1933 shows, this
group can even be Culturally alien.
The world feeling of Rationalism, which
begets Materialism, Money-obsession, decline of authority, and political
pluralism, worked against assimilation, and as Culture-distorters increased in
social power and significance, assimilation was deliberately held up in order to
keep America in a spiritually disarticulated divided and chaotic condition.· Defensive
efforts on the part of Americans of nationalistic feelings to restrict or
abolish immigration were frustrated by Culture-distortion.
Between 1900
and 1915 fifteen million aliens immigrated into America. Few came from Western
Europe. Nearly all were from South-eastern Europe, from Russia, Poland and Asia
Minor. Included in these masses were Jews, whose
numbers are estimated in millions. The First World War interrupted the
immigration-river, but it was resumed after the War, and was accelerated
mightily by the European Revolution of 1933. The Jews who fled or were expelled from Europe
went to America en masse.
From 1890 on began the Jewish invasion
of America. Within the next fifty years, the number of Jews in America increased
from negligible proportions to a number estimated between 8 and 12 million.
A clever
propaganda making use of the American ideology to serve Jewish purposes was the
answer to this reaction. America became a "melting pot," after the
phrase of the Jew Israel Zangwill, and the purely quantitative American ideology
lent this picture convincingness in an America still in the money-obsession
The word "American" was changed by this
same propaganda to mean an immigrant who had improved his personal circumstances
by coming to America, and to exclude the native American who was displaced by
the immigrant. If the latter showed resentment, he was called "un-American."
Thus native
American movements like the second Ku-Klux -Kl an, formed in 1915 as an
expression of the reaction of the American organism to the presence of the
foreign matter, were more or less successfully called "un-American" by the
propaganda organs in America, which even by that time had come under strong
Culture-distorting influences.
The words
"America" and "American" were stripped of its spiritual-national significance,
and were given purely ideological significance. Anyone who came to America was ipso
facto an American, regardless of the facts that he retained his own language,
lived in his own racial-national group, and had purely economic relationship
with America. Americans of native stock however, the
representatives before history of the new unit in the Western Civilization
called the American People, were not ipso facto Americans. If this nourished
any national feelings of exclusiveness whatever, they were un-American.". It is tribute to the
political skill of the leaders of Jewry that they were able in this 20th century
to identify their Jewish Idea with America, and to label the nationalism of
America with the term un-American.
For the inner
history of America, four epochs had great significance: 1789, 1828 1865, 1933.
1789 marked the formation of the Union of the colonies, through the adoption of
the Constitution. 1828
marked the final defeat of the Federalist Party, the sole authoritarian force on
the Union.
1865 was the complete financialization of the continent, but also the
formation of the specific character of the American People. With 1865, however,
the last barrier to economic obsession was removed, and the road was paved that
was to eventuate in the utter triumph of the Culture-distorter in 1933. Future Western
history will write down this date as the year of the American Revolution - or
more accurately as the first phase of the American Revolution - for in that
Culture-distortion began to penetrate
the remaining spheres of American life, government, Army, administration,
judiciary. Yet this epoch passed unnoticed - not only by the great mass of
Americans, for that is not surprising - but also by many of the custodians of
the American national feeling. A gigantic revolution that in a European land
would have brought about war was slyly and invisibly put into effect in a
politically-unconscious country.
Yielding to the
popular concern with internal affairs, the distorter conducted the "election" of
1936 on domestic issues. This was to be the last election in American
history where even a remote possibility existed of a national revolution through
the old voting technique. Thenceforward elections were to be managed in
such a way that the Culture distorter regime could perpetuate itself in power
indefinitely by that means. Culture-distortion in America, as elsewhere in
the Western Civilization, was only able to twist, warp, and frustrate the soul
of the host. It
could neither kill it nor transform it. His technique was to push them ever further
in the direction of decadence. Thus the equality rhetoric of the Independence
Declaration of 1775 and pious platitudes from Lincoln and other
party-politicians, were used as the basis of the "tolerance" propaganda which
teaches Americans that they must not in any way not even in thought
,discriminate against the Jew. This
propaganda is spread from the highest official places down to the level of home,
school, and church.
negro-movement is a powerful instrument of Culture-distortion, and was organized
as such shortly after the advent to power in 1933. Similarly the
numerous groups of recent alien provenance are artificially prevented from
assimilating and becoming Americans, since every alien-thinking group in America
is serviceable to Culture-distortion. The technique for eliminating American
resistance to Culture-distortion has been uniformity. Every American has
been made to dress alike, live alike, talk alike, behave alike, and think
alike. The
principal of uniformity regards personality as a danger and also as a burden.
Advertising of
a kind and on a scale unknown to Europe is part of the method of stamping out
individualism. Everywhere is seen the same empty, smiling,
face. Books
are sold by the millions to tell the American "How to Make Friends." Other books tell
him how to write letters, how to behave in public, how to make love, how to play
games, how to uniformize his inner life, how many children to have, how to
dress, even how to think. Every American boy and girl is entitled
to a college education. Only in America would
it have been possible for a journalist to denounce higher physics because it was
creating a type of aristocracy.
For the rest,
there is only the cinema, and it is, after all , the strongest single medium of
the uniformizing of the American by the upper stratum of Culture-distortion.
(Remember TV
was only a novelty at this time – 1948, kc)
We thirst for
quickly exciting, constantly changing, stimuli. Music has an excellent, time-honored means of
excitation, syncopation.
American life
has been thoroughly disintegrated by the Culture-distorting regime. In the usual
American home, the parents actually have less authority than the children. The
schools enforce no discipline, nor do the churches. The function of forming the
minds of the young has been abdicated by all in favor of the cinema.
Marriage in America has been replaced by Divorce. This is said with no paradoxical intent. In the large cities,
statistics show that one of every two marriages ends in divorce. Taking the country
as a whole, the figure is one in three.
This situation can no longer be described as Marriage, since the essence
of Marriage is its permanence.
Inverted Puritanism has arisen.
In this new
feeling, the Puritan outlook is retained in sexual matters only to scoff at it
in the cinema and in literature. Baudel+aire's thesis "In evil only lies bliss"
has been taken over by the distorter, and has resulted in the progressive
disintegration of American morality in all spheres. In this effort, jazz
music is a useful appurtenance, for this primitive beating is nothing but the
expression of lust in the world of sound a world which is capable of expressing
all human emotions, both higher and lower.
A part of
this general perversion is the physical-youth-mania that has been spread abroad
in America. Both men and women, but especially the latter are inwardly obsessed
with the idea of remaining physically young in appearance. Advertising plays
upon these fears and commercializes them. The girl is the ideal feminine type. The mature woman
aspires to be a girl, but not vice versa. A "girl" cult has come into existence, which,
together with cinema, revue, jazz, divorce, disintegration of the family, and
uniformity, serves the vast purpose of destroying the national feelings of the
Together with uniformity is the
technique of excitement. The press presents every day new
sensations. For the general purpose, it is quite
immaterial whether the sensation is a murder, a kidnapping, a government
scandal, or a war -scare. But for particular, political purposes, the
latter sensations are the most effective, and during the years of preparing the
Second World War, the distorter administrated every day a new "crisis." The process
increased until the population was ready to welcome the outbreak of war as a
relief from the constantly mounting nervous tension.
The straining
after excitement, pleasure, and constant motion has created a vast night-life, a
crime underworld which staggers the imagination of Europeans, and a hurrying
from one thing to another which excludes the possibility of contemplation, or
individual culture.
Almost one percent of the entire
population makes a living from professional crime. The art of reading
has been taken away from the Americans, since the idea is to do something. Individual culture
is generally strangled under such conditions, and the prevailing mass-ideals
impose limitations on the form of such personal culture as is attained. All history, all
thought, all events, all examples, are used to prove the soundness of the ideal
of mass-life, and of the American ideology.
The contractual side of the old
Puritan religion, which regarded Man and God as keeping accounts with one
another, has been pushed to its uttermost limits; and all living is simply
changing legal relationships. Patriotism is simply a legal duty to the
world-proposition called America, which has been equated with the mission of
distorting the entire Western Civilization through a process of "educating"
Heroism in the
Western sense is unknown, and the hero whom the population admires is a
capitalist en grand who has converted a great part of the public wealth into his
private resources, or else a smiling film actor. Such a thing as a great
spiritual movement or a national rising is not understood in America, first
because it has had nothing of the kind in its history, and secondly, because the
distorter has made all such things ridiculous.
The great
Western Life-feeling is the necessity of being ones-self, of preserving that
within one which cannot be compromised, which is synonymous with Soul, Destiny,
Honor, Race.
The distorter's idea of "happy-end" is opportunistic, weak, degenerate,
and revolting to the Western honor-feeling. The empty, smiling face, the uniform mind, the
senseless chasing after noise, movement, and sensation, the obsession with
money-making and money-spending, the rejection of all spiritual standards of
attainment - all this merely reflects the basic interpretation of Life as a
seeking for a happy-end. For happiness, one will compromise anything,
give anything, sell anything. Happiness becomes synonymous with pursuit of
economic and sexua1 motives.
No great artists, no religionist,
no deep thinker, has ever deluded himself that Life has the meaning of "happy
–end". In miserable
and crushing times, the Western man trains himself rather to bear whatever blows
Fate may have in store for him. He does not talk of either happiness or unhappiness,
and he does not try to avoid facts by looking away from them. Looking away is no
solution, but only a postponement of a later reckoning. Happy-end has a
purely negative significance. It is a denial of Life, an escape from Life.
It is thus a
deception, and an untruth.
The racial chaos in American,
which, deliberately perpetuated by the distorter, delivers the American nation
more seriously into his hands, is only possible because of the denationalizing
program for Americans. This program begins with propaganda in the
schools to the effect that America was not colonized, cleared, conquered or
built by Americans, but by a great conglomeration of aliens. The contributions of
the Jew and the Negro are taught as the decisive formative influences on the
"American dream." The promoting of the anti-spiritual and
anti-national "happy-end" idea, with its economic and sexual obsession, and its
social atomism is the prerequisite of continuing the whole program of
Races and nations express
themselves at the highest potential in strong individuals, who embody the prime
national characteristics, and acquire immense historical symbolic significance.
Therefore, the efforts of the Culture-distorter to strangle American
nationalism take the form of an offensive against individualism, not against
freakish, insane individualism, but against the only kind that is historically
effective - individualism which concentrates in itself a higher Idea, and is
devoted to its service.
Thus the
highest social value is "getting along with people”. Strong
characteristics of independence or strength must be put aside, and the ideal of
mediocrity embraced.
The universal spirituality, the same intellectual nourishment for all
classes, replaces the natural organic stratification of society. This nourishment
again has only a quantitative measure of value. Just as the best product is the one most
advertised, so the best book is the one that has the largest sale. The best newspaper
or periodical is the one with the largest circulation. This equation of
quantity with quality is the complete expression of the mass-idea, the denial of
The Western idea of
destiny-fulfillment, with its inner imperative of honor and faithfulness to
conviction, means that the vulgar are naturally the enemies of the upright.
No higher idea
is for everyone, and all creativeness comes from the few. Deeds with a-
high ethical content cannot be performed by all , and he who is capable of them
has no reason to be ashamed, to renounce his spiritual values, and adopt the
smiling face, the inner vacuum, and the ideal of "getting along with people,"
even at the cost of his soul.
Even destructiveness and distortion on
the scale on which it has been successfully introduced into America is a task
for a minority. The American and foreign masses are the mere object of the
The organic unit which regards the disintegration of America as part of
its own life-mission is, at its very widest base, only ten per cent of the
population of the American Union. And within this 10 percent, it is a
comparatively few brains, and a reliable stratum of leaders who actualize the
policy of the Jewish Culture -State -Nation-Religion People-Race. To these leaders,
the great mass of their own people are mere soldier-material in the non-military
war against the Western Civilization all over the world. Nor need these
brains be regarded as animated by any malice or evil motives. To them the
Western Civilization is the repository of the collective evil and hatred of the
world, the source of a thousand years of persecution, a cruel and unreasonable
monstrosity, a sinister force working against the Jewish Messiah.
The numbers of the Jewish
Culture-Nation-State-Race in America are estimated between eight and twelve
million. The
numbers are however not of the first importance, for this organic unity has
strong racial instincts and a powerful sense of a mission. The
public power of the Culture-distorting group is based on its control of highly
focused central organizations.
In propaganda, the control is absolute
- radio, the press - newspapers, periodical, the stage. This covers the cinema,
the book - the universities and Both political parties are controlled by the
Culture-distorting group, forcing all the accepted kind of inner -political
activity through a vast bureaucracy created since 1933, which is dominated and
disproportionately staffed with members of the group. This
administration control is extended also over the armed forces.
In the financial world - which
completely owns and controls the industrial - the power of this group is heavily
disproportionate to its population- percentage. Its hold in this realm goes back to the
War of Session, when a few of the percursors of the invasion of 1890 -1950
engaged in the arms traffic between the Confederate of Federal armies.
The result of all this is a powerful
spiritual influence on the American people. This people read the books which aliens write
or edit for it. It sees the plays and cinemas it is allowed
to. It thinks
the thoughts that are put into its head. It is
thrown into wars against American interest, which it can only lose. The issue of war
and peace, life and death, is decided for America by the Culture alien. America has been
given a semitic countenance. Americans who hold power hold it in deference
to the alien.
To oppose him dare no public men. Americans were told that they must be
concerned with the partitioning of Arabia, and no national channel existed
through which an American could deny fundamentally the world-picture which
supported such a policy.
Propaganda. If the 18th century ideology of "equality"
were actually believed in, there would be no such thing as propaganda, since
every man would think quite independently, and would resent any attempt whatever
to form his mind.
This ideology however is shown precisely by the example of America, the
country in which it was adopted with religious fervor, to have no correspondence
to reality whatever.
There are two techniques of leadership,
both of which are indispensable: discipline and persuasion. The first is based
on confidence, faith, loyalty, duty-sense, good instincts. The second is
addressed to the intellectual side, and adjusts itself to the characteristics of
the person or population to whom it is directed.
Both techniques use sanctions, whether
penal, moral, economic, or socia1. In a period when the reorganizing and forming
of huge masses is the leading action-problem persuasion, or propaganda, is
correspondingly necessary, for only an elite is capable of the highest
discipline, and masses must be continually reconvinced.
There are no publications in America
addressed solely to the intellect; a Culture-distorting regime rests on its
visibility, and independent thinking by strong individuals is ipso facto hostile
to such a regime. Nor are there any publications which purvey
only facts. Any facts, and any viewpoints, are
coordinated, with their presentation into the ruling propaganda-picture. The leading
instrument is the cinema. Second in effectiveness is the radio. The
press, both newspaper and periodical, is third in effectiveness. In America,
effectiveness of propaganda is measured solely by the numbers which it reaches,
since the mass-thinking ideal has triumphed over individuality, quality, and
intellectual stratification of the population. Fourth is the book press. Next are the
universities and colleges. Last is the stage.
central motive of the new cult is "democracy. In the propaganda-picture, this concept
takes the place of God, as the center and ultimate reality. The word has been
endowed with religious force, and has UL fact attained to the status of
religion. It
has become a numen, and cannot be the subject of critical treatment. The saints of this
cult are the "Founding Fathers" of the War of Independence, particularly
Jefferson - despite the fact that they uniformly detested the idea of democracy,
and were nearly all slave-owners. Its Prophets are journalists, propagandists,
film stars, labor-leaders, and party-politicians.
Immediately below "democracy" in importance
is "tolerance." This is obviously fundamental to a
Culturally-alien regime. Tolerance means primarily tolerance of Jews
and Negroes, but it can mean the cruelest persecution of Europeans or other
persons with a viewpoint differing fundamentally from the prevailing mass-idea.
persecution is social, economic, and if necessary, legal.
Feminism is preached, pursuing the mass-uniformity idea
into the realm of the sexes. Instead of the polarity of the sexes, the
ideal of the merging of the sexes is promulgated. Women are taught to
be the "equal" of men, and the Western recognition of sexual polarity is branded
as the "holding down" and "persecution" of women.
Pacifism is preached as a part of the propaganda. This is of course not true pacifism, for that supervenes without anyone preaching it, and often without anyone knowing it, and always without anyone being able to do anything about it. In practice, doctrinaire pacifism is always a form of war-propaganda.
Thus, in America, Europe means war, and
America means peace. A prominent member of the regime
recently spoke of America's "duty to wage peace around the world."
“Religious Tolerence" is also a
part of the propaganda, and it is so interpreted as to mean religious
Dogmas and doctrines of religion are treated as quite secondary, Churches
are often merged or separated for purely economic considerations. When religion is not
merely a compulsory weekly social amusement, it is a political lecture.
Co-operation between the churches is constantly being organized, and always for
some utilitarian aim, having nothing to do with religion. What this means is:
the subservience of religion to the program of Culture-distortion."
Japan was also treated in the
propaganda picture as an enemy, but not as an irreconcilable enemy, like Europe.
The propaganda against Japan was never allowed to take a racial form,
lest the racial instincts of the American population be awakened into a storm
that would sweep away the distorter.
Because of the primitive intellectuality in a country whose
population had been mentally uniformized, this propaganda was able to adopt
extremely crude expedients.
Thus during
the war-preparation, 1933 -1939 the press, cinema, and radio, were filled with
stories of insults to the American flag abroad, of secret documents, and the
1ike. This propaganda announced that 6 million members of the
Jewish Culture-Nation-State-Church-People-Race had been killed in European
camps, as well as an indeterminate number of other people.
The propaganda was on a world - wide scale, and was of a mendacity that
was perhaps adapted to a uniformized mass, but was simply disgusting to
discriminating Europeans. The propaganda was technically quite complete.
"Photographs" were supplied in millions of copies. Thousands of the
people who had been killed published accounts of their experiences in these
camps. Hundreds of thousands more made fortunes
in post-war black-markets. "Gas-chambers" that did not
exist were photographed, and a "gasmobile" was invented to titillate the
We came now to the
purpose of this propaganda which the regime gave to its mentally-enslaved
masses. From
the analysis in the 20th Century Political Outlook, the purpose is seen to be
the only one: it was designed to create total war in the
spiritual sense, transcending the limits of politics, against Western
Fred A. Leuchter
As a witness to the defense in a "hate
crimes" trial in Canada (the defendent, Ernst Zundel, published material
questioning the validity of the "Holocaust") 1 Fred A. Leuchter, America's leading expert on
the design and fabrication of homicidal gas chambers conducted chemical analysis
on the "Holocaust gas chambers" in Poland. He received a B.A. from Boston University in
1964 and Leuchter did postgraduate work at the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory in Cambridge MA. He holds patents for the design of sextants,
surveying instruments, and optical encoding equipment. He is an
accomplished pianist and an NRA-qualified small-arms instructor.
His summarized story is as follows.
Like all American children born during
and after WWII, I was taught about the genocide perpetrated by the Nazis on the
Jews. By the
time I had reached college, I had no reason to disbelieve any of my education,
except that I had some problems swallowing the numbers of decedents, said to
total better than six million persons.
But there it stopped. I believed in the Nazi genocide. I had no reason to
Some twenty-four years later, a very believing engineer sat at his desk
working one snowy January afternoon in 1988 when the telephone rang. This very
believing engineer was about to hear a very shocking history lesson, one which
would cause him to question that fifty-year-old Holocaust lie and the
application of that lie to generations of children.
I have for the past nine years worked
with most, if not all, of the states in the United States having capital
punishment. I
design and manufacture execution equipment of all types, including electrocution
systems, lethal injection equipment, gallows and gas-chamber hardware. I have consulted
for, or supplied equipment to, most of the applicable states and the federal
Because of my association with the states in this capacity, I was
recommended to the Zundel defense as a consultant on gas chambers by Warden Bill
Armentrout of the Missouri State Penitentiary. After answering my telephone on that cold
January afternoon, I met with Dr. Robert Faurisson twice in Boston and, as a
result of these meetings, I was summoned to Toronto to meet with Ernst Zundel,
attorney Douglas Christie and the rest of Zundel 's very able staff.
Dr. Robert Faurisson had postulated
thirteen years ago that a gas-chamber specialist should be sought who could
evaluate the alleged gas chambers in Poland and report on their efficacy for
execution purposes.
Valentine's Day weekend found myself and Carolyn, my wife of two weeks,
in Toronto.
Two days of lengthy meetings followed, during which I was shown photos of
the alleged German gas chambers in Poland, German documents and Allied aerial
photographs. My examination of this material led me to
question whether these alleged gas chambers were, in fact, execution facilities.
I was asked if
I would go to Poland and undertake a physical inspection and forensic analysis
resulting in a written evaluation of these alleged execution gas chambers, some
at places I had never even heard of. After due consideration, I agreed, and made
plans to leave for Poland, awaiting a time of minimal snow covering. The final report was
to be utilized as evidence in Ernst Zundel 's defense in his pending criminal
trial at Toronto, and I had to be prepared to testify under oath.
Preparations for the trip required me
to take sample bags, documentation journals and tools. Because we were in a
Communist country I would have to be careful with the tools. Very few tourists carry
hammers, chisels, star drills and tape measures while traveling. I hid them in the
lining of my valise and hoped for the best. Further, I had maps of Poland, Czechoslovakia
and Austria, in the event that we might have to make a hasty and unscheduled
exit. And
finally, the gifts with which we bribed the museum people to supply us with
copies of documents from the Museum Archives.
Auschwitz and Birkenau
We began our work in the alleged gas
chamber at the Auschwitz facility.
Unfortunately, we were unable to accomplish much due to constant
interruptions by both official and unofficial Sunday tours. Carolyn stood guard
at one entrance and Tijudar at the other, advising myself, Jurgen and Howard of
their arrival.
It was too dangerous to take forensic samples and tape, so we left for
Birkenau about noon.
At Birkenau we began a four-hour walk
into the damp Polish cold and through snow squalls so dense we could not see
each other at a distance of a few feet. Unfortunately, we did not expect to spend that
much time walking through the camp and, since vehicles are not permitted within
the camp we left Carolyn behind in the car. Since we forgot to leave her the keys, she
nearly froze in the cold Polish
We visited the barracks, crematorien II, III, IV and V, the sauna and the
alleged burning pits. We took samples, documented our
activities on video tape and in still photos, and made scale drawings of these
facilities, carefully documenting the removal locations of all the forensic
samples. We had to break into the sauna building, since it was locked.
At Krema II, I descended into the
depths of the alleged gas chambers, a wet, dank subterranean place not visited
by man in almost fifty years, since the building had been reduced to rubble,
probably by a German military demolition team. Fortunately, there were fewer guards and less
pedestrian traffic, making working conditions considerably better than they had
been earlier, at Auschwitz.
The following day, Monday, we again
began our work at Auschwitz, the Sunday tours having subsided. We were able to get
samples, tapes, and documentation.
We had, by this time, obtained blueprints of the alleged gas-chamber
facility and were able to follow the structural changes back to the dates in
question. We
also verified the existence of the floor drain for the periods of alleged gas
chamber usage. Upon completion at Auschwitz, we drove again
to Birkenau to take our control sample at delousing facility #1. Unfortunately, the
building was locked and again we had to break and enter in order to access the
delousing chamber.
Tuesday morning, while awaiting
Tijudar's unsuccessful attempt to obtain a can of Zyklon B, Jurgen and I made
video tapes of locations within the camp. We moved from the Auschwitz Hotel to a hostel
nearby, obtaining newly vacated rooms.
Lublin (Majdanek)
Several hours later, we arrived at
Majdanek, visited the museum, the reconstructed alleged gas chamber and
crematory. We finally arrived at disinfection 1 and 2 and examined the
facilities. It
was extremely difficult to work here, in that a guard made rounds every ten or
fifteen minutes.
The alleged gas chambers were blocked by gates and not accessible for a
detailed inspection by the general public. It was necessary for me to trespass beyond
these gates in forbidden areas. Again Carolin and Tijudar stood watch while I
made measurements and did a detailed examination in these areas. Once we were caught
short: I was forced to hurdle the gate, and was still in the air and in mid-jump
when the guard entered. Fortunately, he was more interested in Jurgen
and his camera to see me before I touched ground.
We boarded the Polish airlines plane
after clearing customs - my suit case containing twenty pounds of the forbidden
samples, fortunately none of which were found. I did not breathe easy until we cleared the
passport checkpoint at Frankfurt. Our team split at Frankfurt, for the
return trips to the United States and Canada, respectively. Upon our return, I
delivered the forensic samples to the test laboratory in Massachusetts. Upon receipt of the
test results, I prepared my report, combining my knowledge of gas execution
facilities and procedures with the research I had compiled at crematories and
with retort manufacturers in the United States.
The Findings
Gas Chambers
The results published in the Leuchter
Report are the important thing. Categorically, none of the facilities at
Auschwitz, Birkenau or Lublin could have supported, or in fact did support,
multiple executions utilizing hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide or any other
allegedly or factually lethal gas. Based upon very generous maximum usage rates
for all the alleged gas chambers, totaling 1693 persons per week, and assuming
these facilities could support gas executions, it would have required sixty
eight (68) years to execute the alleged number of six millions of persons. This must mean the
Third Reich was in existence for some seventy-five (75) years.
Of equal importance are
Exterminationist errors relating to the crematories. If these
crematories, operated at a theoretical rate of maximum output per day, without
any down time and at a constant pace (an impossible situation)), and we accept
the figure of at least six million executed, the Third Reich lasted for at least
forty-two (42) years, since it would take thirty-five (35) years at an
impossible minimum to cremate these six millions of souls.
Forensic samples were taken from the visited sites . A control sample was
removed from delousing facility #1 at Birkenau. It was postulated that because of
the high iron content of the building materials at these camps the presence of
hydrogen cyanide gas would result in a ferric-ferro-cyanide compound being
formed as evidenced by the Prussian blue staining of the walls in the delousing
facilities. A detailed analysis
of the thirty-two samples taken at the Auschwitz-Birkenau complexes showed 1,050
mg/kg of cyanide and 61 170 mg/kg of iron. Higher iron results were found at all of the alleged
gas chambers but no significant cyanide gas, since the alleged gas chambers
supposedly were exposed to much greater quantities of gas than the delousing
facility. Thus, chemical analysis further supports the fact that these
facilities were never utilized as gas execution facilities.
Construction of these facilities further shows that they
were never used as gas chambers. None of these facilities were sealed or gasketed.
No provision
was ever made to prevent condensation of gas on the walls, floor or ceiling. No
provision ever existed to exhaust the air-gas mixture for these buildings. No provision ever
existed to introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chamber. No explosion-proof
lighting existed and no attempt was ever made to prevent gas from entering the
crematories, even though the gas is highly explosive. No attempt was made
to protect operating personnel from exposure to the gas or to protect other
non-participating persons from exposure. Specifically, at Auschwitz, a floor
drain in the alleged gas chambers was connected directly to the camp's storm
drain system. At Maidanek a depressed walkway around the
alleged gas chambers would have collected gas seepage and resulted in a death
trap for camp personnel. No exhaust stacks ever existed. Hydrogen cyanide
gas is an extremely dangerous and lethal gas and nowhere were there any
provisions to affect any amount of safe handling. The chambers were too small to accommodate
more than a small fraction of the alleged numbers. Plain and simple,
these facilities could not have operated as execution gas chambers."
Since presenting the above evidence in the Zundel trial, Mr.Leuchter's work with the State and Federal governments has disappeared. He now makes his living as a telephone solicitor, the only employment now available to him.
The Institute of Historical Review
Among its hundreds of historically significant book
publications, the Institute of Historical Review, publishes a pamphlet entitled
"66 Questions and Answers on the Holocaust."
What proof exists that the Nazis practiced genocide or
deliberately killed six million Jews? None. The only evidence is the testimony of
individual "survivors." This testimony is contradictory, and few
"survivors" claim to have actually witnessed any gassing. There is no hard
evidence whatsoever: no mounds of ashes, no crematoria capable of doing the job,
no piles of clothes, no human soap, no lamp shades made of human skin, no
records, no credible demographic statistics.
What evidence exists that six million Jews were not killed
by the Nazis?
Extensive evidence, including that of a
forensic, demographic, analytical and comparative nature, exists demonstrating
the impossibility of such a figure, an exaggeration of, perhaps, 1000 %.
Did Simon Wiesenthal once state in writing that "there were
no extermination camps on German soil? Yes. In Books & Bookmen 1April1975
issue. He
claims the "gassings" of Jews took place in Poland.
If Dachau was in Germany and even Simon Weisenthal says
that it was not an extermination camp, why do thousands of veterans in America
say that it was an extermination camp? Because after the Allies captured Dachau,
thousands of G.I.·s were led through Dachau and shown buildings alleged to be
gas chambers and because the mass-media widely, but falsely stated that Dachau
was a "gassing" camp (my father was one of these men – kc).
Auschwitz was in Poland, not Germany. Is there any proof
that gas chambers for the purpose of killing human beings existed at or in
No. Auschwitz captured by the Soviets, was
extensively modified after the war and a mortuary was reconstructed to look like
a large "gas chamber." After America's leading expert on gas
chamber construction and design, Fred Leuchter, examined this and other alleged
Auschwitz gassing facilities, he stated that it was an "absurdity" to claim that
they were, or could have been, used for executions.
If Auschwitz wasn't a "death camp," what was
its true purpose?
It was a large-scale manufacturing complex. Synthetic rubber
(Bunal was made there, and its inmates were used as a workforce. The Buna process
was used in the U.S. during WWII.
Who set up the first concentration camps, and where and
when? The
first use of concentration camps in the Western world was apparently in America
during the Revolutionary War. The British interned thousands of Americans,
many of whom died of disease and beatings. Andrew Jackson and his brother who died, were
Later the British set up concentration camps in South Africa to hold
Afrikaner women and children during their conquest of that country (the Boer
War). Tens of
thousands died in these hellholes, which were far worse than any German
concentration camp of WWII.
How did German concentration camps differ from American
relocation camps which interned Japanese-American during WWII? Except for
the name, the only significant difference was that the Germans interned persons
on the basis of being a real or suspected security threat to the German war
effort, whereas the Americans interned persons on the basis of race alone.
Why did the German intern Jews in concentration camps? Because the Germans
considered Jews a direct threat to their national sovereignty and survival, and
because Jews were overwhelmingly represented in Communist subversion. However, all
suspected security risks - not only Jews - were in danger of internment.
What extensive measure did world Jewry undertake against
Germany as early as 1933? An international boycott of German goods.
Did the Jews of the world "declare war on Germany"? Yes. The world media
carried the headlines, "Judea Declares War on Germany."
Was this before or after the rumors of the "death camps"
began? Nearly six years before. Judea declared war
on Germany in 1933.
What nation is credited with being the first
to practice mass civilian bombing? Great Britain - on 11May1940.
How many gas chambers to kill people were
there at Auschwitz? None.
How many Jews were in areas that came to be controlled by the Germans
before the war?
Fewer than four million.
If the Jews of Europe were not exterminated by
the Nazis, what happened to them? After the war Jews of Europe were still in
Europe, except for perhaps 300,000 of them who had died of all causes during the
war, and those who had emigrated to Israel, the United States, Argentina, etc.
Most Jews who
left Europe did so after, not during, the war. They are all accounted for.
How many Jews fled to deep within the Soviet
Union? Over
two million. The Germans did not have access to this Jewish
How many Jews emigrated prior to the war, thus being
outside of German reach? Over a million (not including those absorbed
by the USSR).
If Auschwitz was not an extermination camp, why did the
commandant, Rudolf Hoss, confess that it was? He was tortured by Jewish interrogators in
British uniform, as one of them has subsequently admitted.
Is there any evidence that it was American, British, French
and Soviet policy to torture German prisoners in order to exact confessions
before the trials at Nuremberg and elsewhere? There is extensive evidence of torture having
been used both before and during the famous Nuremberg trials - and after, in the
case of other war crimes trials.
How does the "Holocaust" story benefit the Jews today? It removes them
from any criticism as a group. It provides a "common bond" with which their
leaders can control them. It is instrumental in money-raising campaigns
and to justify aid to Israel, totaling about $10 billion per year.
How does it benefit the State of Israel? It justifies the
billions of dollars in "reparations" the State of Israel has received from West
Germany. It is
used by the Zionist/Israel lobby to control American foreign policy toward
Israel and to force American taxpayers to put all the money Israel wants. And the annual ante
is growing each year.
How does it benefit many Christian clergymen? It correlates with
the Old Testament idea of Jews being the persecuted "Chosen People." It also keeps the
Israeli-controlled "Holy Land" accessible to the clergy.
How does it benefit the Communists? It hides the extent
of their own war mongering and atrocities before, during and after the war.
How does it benefit Britain? In the same way it benefits the Soviet
Is there any evidence that Hitler ordered a mass
extermination of Jews? No.
What kind of gas was used by the Nazis in concentration
camps? Zyklon-B, a hydrocyanic gas.
For what purpose was, and is this gas manufactured? For the
extermination of the typhus-bearing louse . It is used to fumigate clothing and quarters. It is
readily available today.
Why did they use this instead of a gas more suitable for
mass extermination? If the Nazis had intended to use gas to
exterminate people, far more efficient gases were available. Zyklon-B is very
inefficient except when used as a fumigation agent.
How long does it take to ventilate fully an area fumigated
by Zyklon-B?
Normally about 20 hours. The whole procedure is extremely involved and
technical. Gas masks have to be used and only
well-trained technicians are employed.
Auschwitz commandant Hoss said that his men would enter the
gas chamber ten minutes after the Jews had died and remove them. How do you explain
this? It can't
be explained because had they done so they would have suffered the same fate as
the previous occupants.
Hoss said in his confession that his men would smoke
cigarettes as they pulled the dead Jews out of the gas chambers ten minutes
after gassing. Isn't Zyklon-B explosive? Highly so. The Hoss confession
is obviously false.
What was the exact procedure the Nazis allegedly used to
exterminate Jews?
The stories range from dropping the gas canisters into a crowded room
from a hole in the ceiling to piping it through shower heads. "Millions" of Jews
are alleged to have been killed in this manner.
How could such a mass program have been kept secret from
Jews who were scheduled for extermination? It couldn't have been kept secret. The fact is that
there was no such mass-gassing anywhere. The extermination rumors came from
strictly Jewish sources.
If Jews scheduled for execution knew the fate in store for
them, why did they go to their death without fight or protest? They didn't fight
or protest simply because they knew there was no intention to kill them. They were simply
interned and forced to work.
About how many Jews died in the concentration camps? About 300,000.
How did they die? Mainly from recurring typhus epidemics
that ravaged war-torn Europe during the period.
Also from starvation and lack of medical attention toward the end of the
war when virtually all road and rail transportation had been bombed out by the
What is typhus? This disease always appears when many
people are jammed together for long periods without bathing. It is carried by
lice which infest hair and clothes. Armies and navies have traditionally required
short haircuts on their men because of the danger of typhus. Ironically, if the
Germans had used more Zyklon-B more Jews might have survived life in the
concentration camps.
What is the difference if six million or 300,000 Jews died
during this awesome period? 5,700,000. Besides - and
contrary to "Holocaust" propaganda - there was no deliberate attempt to
exterminate anyone.
Many Jewish survivors of the "death camps" say they say
bodies being piled up in pits and burned. How much gasoline would have to be
used to perform this?
A great deal more than the Germans has access to as there was a
substantial fuel shortage at that time.
Can bodies be burned in pits? No, it is
impossible for human bodies to be totally consumed in flames in this manner as
not enough heat can be generated in open pits.
"Holocaust" authors claim that the Nazis were able to
cremate bodies in about 10 minutes. How long does it take to incinerate one body
according to professional cremator operators? About 2 hours.
Why did the concentration camps have crematory ovens? To dispose
efficiently and sanitarily of the corpses created by the typhus epidemics.
Given a 100% duty cycle of all crematoria in all the camps
in German-controlled territory, what is the maximum number of corpuses it would
have been possible to incinerate during the entire period such cremators were in
About 430,600.
Can a crematory oven be operated 100% of the time? No. 50% of the time
is a generous estimate (12 hours per- day). Cremator ovens have to be cleaned thoroughly
and regularly when in heavy operation.
How much ash is left from a cremated corpse? After the bone is
all ground down, about a shoe box full.
If six million people had been incinerated by the Nazis,
what happened to the ashes? That remains to be "explained." Six
million bodies would produce literally tons upon tons of ashes. Yet there is no evidence of
any large depositories of such ash.
Do Allied wartime photos of Auschwitz (during the period
when the "gas chambers" and crematoria were supposed to be in full operation)
reveal gas chambers? No. In fact these
photographs do not even reveal a trace of the enormous amounts of smoke which
were supposedly constantly over the camp. Nor do they evidence the "open pits" in which
bodies were allegedly burned.
What was the main provision of the German "Nuremberg laws"
of 1935? Laws
against intermarriage and sexual relations between Germans and Jews, similar to
laws existing in Israel today.
Were there any American precedents for the Nuremberg
laws? Many
states in the U.S.A. had laws preventing intermarriage and sexual relations
between persons of different races long before the Nazis.
What did the International Red Cross have to report with
regard to the "Holocaust” question? A report on the visit of an IRC delegate to
Auschwitz in September 1944 pointed out that internees were permitted to receive
packages and that rumors of gas chambers could not be verified.
What was the role of the Vatican during the time the six
million Jews were alleged to have been exterminated? If there had been
an extermination plan, the Vatican would most certainly have been in a position
to know.
But since there was none, the Vatican had no reason to speak out against
What evidence is there that Hitler knew of the ongoing
Jewish extermination?
Did the Nazis and the Zionist collaborate? Before the war
Germany signed an agreement with the Zionists which permitted Jews to take large
amounts of capital to Palestine. During the war, the Germans maintained cordial
relations with the Zionist leadership.
What caused Anne Frank's death just several weeks before
the end of the war?
Typhus .
Is the Anne Frank Diary genuine? No, the evidence
compiled by Ditlieb Felderer of Sweden and Dr. Robert Faurisson of France
establishes conclusively that the famous diary is a literary hoax.
What about the numerous photographs and footage taken in
the German concentration camps showing piles of emaciated corpses? Are these
Photographs can be faked, yes. But it is far easier merely to add a caption
or comment to a photo or a piece of footage that does not tell the truth about
what that photo of film actually shows. Does a pile of emaciated corpses mean that
these people were "gassed" or deliberately starved to death? Or could this
mean that these people were victims of a raging typhus epidemic or starved due
to the lack of food in the camps toward the end of the war? Pictures of piles of
German women and children killed in Allied bombing raids have been passed off as
dead Jews.
Who originated the term "genocide"? Raphael Lemkin a
Polish Jew, in a book which appeared in 1944.
Were films such as Holocaust and The Winds of War, War
documentary films?
No, the films do not claim to be history, rather fictional dramatizations
based on history. Unfortunately, all too many people have taken
them to be accurate representations of history as it really happened.
About how many books have been published which refute some
aspect of the standard claims made about the "Holocaust"? At least 60. More are in process
of production.
What happened when a historical institute offered $50,000
to anyone who could prove that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz? No proof was
submitted as a claim on the reward, but the institute was sued for $17 million
by a "Holocaust” survivor who claims the reward offer caused him to lose sleep,
caused his business to suffer, and represented "injurious denial of established
What about the claim that those who question the
"Holocaust" are anti-Semitic or neo-Nazi? This is a smear designed to draw
attention away from facts and honest arguments. Scholars who refute "Holocaust” claims are of
all persuasions - Democrats, Republicans, libertarians, socialists, Christians,
Jews, etc. There is no correlation between
"Holocaust" refutation and anti-Semitism or neo-Nazism. As a matter of fact,
there are increasing numbers of Jewish scholars who openly admit that evidence
for the "Holocaust" is severely lacking.
What has happened to the historians who have questioned the
"Ho ocaust" material?
They have been subject to smear campaigns, loss of academic positions,
loss of pensions, destruction of their property and physical violence.
Has the Institute for Historical Review suffered any
retaliati on for its efforts to uphold the right of freedom of speech and
academic freedom?
The IHR had been bombed three times and completely destroyed on July 4
1984 by a criminal arson attack. Death threats by telephone are virtually
a daily occurrence.
All newspaper coverage is hostile, if there is any coverage at all.
Why is there so little publicity for your point of view? Because for political reasons the Establishment does not want any in-depth discussion about the facts surrounding the "Jewish Holocaust" myth.
Russian Records
After the fall of the Berlin Wall and apparent failure of Communism in the Soviet Union bloc, Russia has released, in 1992, the Auschwitz, Poland work camp records taken toward the end of WWII. 72,000 died of all causes and none were gassed. However, there were three books of records missing, so the maximum number of dead were 100,000 to 150,000. Poland subsequently changed its signs which read 4 million "gassed" (displayed for 47 years) to 1.5 million killed there.
Walter Luftl
Walter Luftl, president of the Austrian Chamber of
Engineers, stated he had reviewed May1992 the evidence for mass gassing at
Auschwitz and stated "Mass murder with Zyklon B cannot have taken place. That would have
been against the laws of nature, and the technical and organizational
prerequisites did not exist." It is quite certain that the crematoria
(at Auschwitz) were not technically capable of dealing with the victims of mass
murder. Corpses are not inflammable material. Burning them
requires a lot of time and energy. 200 1000 tons of coke would be needed, 50
kilos per person - impossible in view of the transportation capability in
Subsequently, the media pressure was so great, Mr Luftl was forced to resign his position as president and hire an attorney to ward off criminal charges. Austria like nearly every other Western country has a minimum penalty of one year for Holocaust abjurers.
After four decades and the fall of the Berlin War, East Germany has agreed to pay reparations to Jewish "survivors" of the "Holocaust." Up until now (1990). East Germany has denied responsibility for the "Holocaust." West Germany accepted blame for the "crimes" of the Third Reich in 1952. Since that time West Germany has paid $43 billion to the "Holocaust survivors."
John Baker, Oxford Professor his book “Race”, 1974, 600 pages.
The Jews. From the traditional
religious point of view, a Jew was a person born of a Jewish mother. However, there
is no close resemblance between Judaism in the religious sense and a
proselytizing religion such as the Roman Catholic. A person not born a
Jew can only be accepted into the faith if he or she can satisfy the
requirements stated above and conversions are rare.
There are two groups of European Jews, the
Ashkenazim and the Sephardim, who differ in physical characteristics. When it is said that
a person has a Jewish appearance, the speaker usually has a person of Ashkenazic
stock in mind. The members of this group are the typical Jews
of Russia, Poland, and England, and they constitute the great majority, perhaps
90% of all the people in the world to whom the name Jew is applied. The prominent facial
characteristics are the large nose and the thick lower lip.
The evidence from blood-group bears on the
theory that the Ashkenazim have both Armenids and Orientalids (vague name for
Arabs) for ancestors.
Sephardim subsequently became modified by intermarriage with
Mediterranids. The Ashkenazim do not believe the Sephardim
are true Jews and in Israel, discriminate accordingly to race. In America,
both groups build their own synagogues.
The "Controversy of Zion" written by Douglas Reed in 1978 is a monumental, yet summarized history of Zionism and its relation to current political - economic events. Many "Jewish Questions" can be answered by reading this very interesting work. A few quotations are listed below.
"The Judahites had this inheritance thrust upon them (referring to them as Chosen). It was not even theirs, for the "covenant" according to these Scriptures, had been made between Jehovah and the "children of Israel", and by 458 BC the Israelites, spurning the non-Israelitish Judahites, had long since been absorbed by other mankind, taking with them the vision of a universal, loving God of all men. The Israelites, from all the evidence, never knew this racial creed which was to come down through the centuries as the Jewish religion, or Judaism." The little state misnamed "Israel" proved to be something unique in history. It was governed, as it was devised, set up and largely peopled, by non-Semitic Jews from Russia, of the Chazar breed.
Today, nearly two
hundred years later, (after the French Revolution), the consequence of that is
also clear; the all-destruction world-revolution must either prevail over
Christendom and the West, reducing them both to ruins, or itself be crushed and
broken up. There is now no third
solution or middle course or different end to the conflict which was revealed in
1786. Leading
public men (Reed quotes men like Alexander Hamilton) and the sect's devotees
both saw that from the start. Benjamin Disraeli (prime minister of England,
and a Jew), later Lord Beaconsfield, repeatedly warned Christendom against the
world-revolution. Like de Luchet, Alexander Hamilton and Edmund
Burke, who fifty years later spoke only of anonymous "managers", Disraeli
identified these organizers as Jews. Disraeli states, "When we sink we become a
revolutionary proletariat; when we rise there rises the terrible power of our
Then Dr. Weizmann led a Zionist delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919 where "the new world order" (these were the words used by the Zionist in 1919) was to be set up. The Arabs saw from the start what was in store for them, for they knew the Torah. Dr. Weizmann had told the Peace Conference "The Bible is our mandate", and they knew about "the God of the Jews" and his promises of progrom and reward.
Mr. Reed
discusses how the President of the United States has been controlled by the
Zionist starting with Woodrow Wilson. He details the Franklin Roosevelt
administration and the subsequent total control of government by the Zionists.
At this
point the American people lost and have never since regained control of the
public purse, and the occupant of the White House became able by a stroke of the
pen to command expenditures which in earlier times would have covered the annual
budgets of half-a-dozen thrifty States. Reed discusses how America was tricked into
What it will become depends on the future
success or failure of the nation-states in "contending with sedition." In the Second
War, as in the first, all the "top-line leaders" and "premier-dictators" appear
from the start to have been secretly agreed in the resolve to set up a "world
organization" and to subordinate their nation-states to it. This was their own
project, not that of their peoples, who were never consulted. No nation has ever
evinced a desire to sink its identity in some world-state, ruled by who knows
whom. On the
contrary, the continuing love of nationhood, despite all ordeals and defeats, is
the clearest feeling evinced by the 20th century, and this clearly will increase
until "the deception of nations" ends and the idea of obliterating nations
Reed refers to the League of Nations, and the United Nations as the
device by which the control is focused.
As quoted from his "Dispossessed Majority"...... Although Israel may be the spiritual home of Jewry, the United States remains the Jewish center of gravity. Just as no one can fully understand present-day world affairs without taking Jews into account, so no member of the American Majority can even begin to comprehend the pattern of current American events without a rudimentary knowledge of the aims, the habits and the political, economic and social status of the American Jews. In many respects, the goals and attitudes of American Jewry are major clues to recent American history.
Up to the present, the story of American anti-Semitism has been unimportant, unimpressive and inflated. However, the removal of all things Jewish from the arena of rational discussion automatically relegates unfriendly opinions of Jews to the hushed whispers of office, living room and country club, to underground "hate sheets" and to the verbal musing of crackpots haunted by visions of bearded elders plotting world conquest. All this lends an aura of mysticism and romantic obscurantism to anti-Semitism, which it does not deserve and which endows it with a kind of kinetic and subterranean diabolism. The day anti-Semitism breaks out into the light again--as suppressed ideologies have the habit of doing--it cannot avoid becoming the stock-in-trade of the apocalyptic avenger who knows that emotion and dogma move more mountains than reason. The sudden release of tensions and hatreds pent up during decades of censorship and indoctrination will probably obviate any less explosive outcome.
Instead of submitting anti-Semitism to
the free play of ideas, instead of making it a topic for debate in which all can
join, Jews and their liberal supporters have managed to organize an inquisition
in which all acts, writings and even thoughts critical of Jewry are treated as a
threat to the moral order of mankind. The Jewish intellectual who believes
passionately in the rights of free speech and peaceful assembly for all, but
rejoices when permits are refused for anti-Semitic meetings and rocks crack
against the skulls of anti-Semitic speakers.
Admitting the almost incredible disparity between Jewish numbers and Jewish influence in the United States is dangerous, but it is growing more difficult for anyone not to admit it. In the long run, the Jewish place in America life cannot rest on the sanctity of institutions, dated dogmas, or the divine right of minorities. It must rest on the cause-and-effect relationship between the rise of the Jewish establishment and the Majorites disestablishment.
If Jews are chiefly responsible for the present grinding
assault on the nation's racial backbone, then the Jewish minority must come
under public scrutiny. America could survive forever without Jews. It could not
last a day without the Majority.
National Vanguard Books
National Vanguard Books sells hundreds of hard to find books. Within their catalog is written the following (which has been summarized).
There is no greater power in the world
today than that wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of
old, no conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely
approaching that of the few dozen men who control America's mass news and
entertainment media.
Their power is not distant and
impersonal; it reaches into every home in America, and it works its will during
nearly every waking hour. It is the power which shapes and molds the
mind of virtually every citizen, young or old, rich or poor, simple or
Television Broadcasting
And who are these all-powerful masters of the media? For a partial answer, consider television broadcasting, which undoubtedly has become the most powerful medium for determining the way Americans think and behave. Not counting certain specialized cable news systems, virtually all national and international TV news broadcast in the United States is gathered, filmed, edited, and put on the air by just three companies: American Broadcasting Companies (ABC), Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), and National Broadcasting Company (NBC). Each of these three has been under the absolute control of a single man over a long enough period of time, ranging from 32 years to 55 years--for him to staff the corporation at every level with officers of his choosing and thus to place his imprint finally, totally, and indelibly upon it. In each case that man has been a Jew.
Until 1985, when ABC merged with Capital Cities Communications, Inc., a New York-based media conglomerate, the chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer (CEO) of the network was Leonard Harry Goldenson, a Jew. He had headed the network since he became president of the predecessor corporation, American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres, Inc., in 1953. (The name was changed to American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., in 1965.) In an interview published in the April 1, 1985, issue of Newsweek, Goldenson boasted, "I built this company [ABC] from scratch."
Under the 1985 merger terms, Goldenson became chairman of the executive committee of the new company, Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. CBS was under the domination of William S. Paley for more than half a century. The son of immigrant Jews from Russia, Paley left the family cigar business in 1928, when he was 27, to buy United Independent Broadcasters for $500,000. He renamed it Columbia Broadcasting System and made himself president. He became chairman of the board in 1946 and held that post until his partial retirement in 1983.
When independent broadcaster Ted Turner, a Gentile, made a bid to buy CBS in 1985, CBS executives invited billionaire Jewish theater, hotel, insurance, and cigarette magnate Laurence Tisch to launch a "friendly" takeover of the company, and since 1986 Tisch has been the chairman and CEO of CBS, removing any threat of non-Jewish influence there.
NBC was formerly a subsidiary of Radio Corporation of America (RCA), which was controlled for 40 years, beginning in 1930, by David Sarnoff, another Jewish immigrant from Russia. When Sarnoff died in 1970 his son Robert took over. In 1986 General Electric Co. merged with RCA, and now NBC is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric.
Entertainment Industry
The man in charge of the television entertainment division at CBS is Jeff Sagansky. At ABC the entertainment division is run by two men: Robert Iger handles the business end of the division, and Stuart Bloomberg is in charge of entertainment programming. Brandon Tartikoff became president of NBC Entertainment in 1980 and held that post for a decade, until he was promoted to chairman in 1990. When he left NBC in July 1991 to take the post of chairman at Paramount Pictures the new president of NBC Entertainment, Warren Littlefield, assumed control. Sagansky, Bloomberg, and Littlefield pick the programs their networks will broadcast: the game shows, the interview shows, the situation comedies, the historical "docudramas," the family series, the adventure series, the specials. They tell the program developers what they want to see in the programs. They veto anything they don't like.
They determine
the slant each program will have. They decide just how hard to push various
propaganda themes in their network programming: interracial marriage,
homosexuality, feminism, gun control, "Holocaust" re-enactments, and the menace
of "White extremism."
Only one in 36 U.S. citizens (2.8 per cent) is a Jew. But nearly all of the men who shape young Americans' concept of reality, of good and evil, of permissible and impermissible behavior are Jews. In particular, Sagansky and Bloomberg are Jews. So is Tartikoff. Littlefield is the only Gentile who has had a significant role in TV entertainment programming in recent years.
This Jewish control of the American entertainment industry and its influence on the American psyche goes far beyond television programming for the major networks; it also includes virtually everything which comes out of Hollywood's film studios. The May 1990 issue of American Film magazine listed the top 10 (in terms of gross revenues in 1989) U.S. entertainment companies and their CEOs and ranked them by size. They were, in descending order, Time Warner Communications (Steven J. Ross), Walt Disney Co. (Michael D. Eisner), NBC (Robert C. Wright), Paramount Communications (Martin S. Davis), CBS (Laurence A. Tisch), 20th Century Fox Film Corp (Barry Diller), Columbia Pictures Entertainment (Victor A. Kaufman), Viacom Inc. (Sumner Redstone), Capital Cities/ABC (Thomas S. Murphy), and MCA Inc. (Lew Wasserman).
Of the 10 top entertainment CEOs listed above, eight--Ross, Eisner, Davis, Tisch, Diller, Kaufman, Redstone, and Wasserman--are Jews. Only two of the top-10 entertainment companies have Gentile CEOs--NBC and Capital Cities/ABC--and one of those--Capital Cities/ABC--has a Jew in charge of its entertainment division.
There have been a few personnel changes since the 1989 survey, of course. Steven J. Ross has developed serious medical problems in the past year, and now he shares the top post at Time Warner with co-CEO Gerald Levin, also a Jew. Levin probably will rule Time Warner alone in the near future. Barry Diller left Fox in February 1992. Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corporation, Fox's parent company, took a hand in the management of Fox for a few months, but in November 1992 Peter Chernin, formerly head of the Fox Entertainment division, moved up to the top job as chairman of 20th Century Fox Films Corp. Chernin is a Jew. And Sumner Redstone has gained much prominence since 1989, as two of his Viacom subsidiaries, MTV and Nickelodeon, have acquired larger and larger shares of the juvenile television audience. Redstone, who actually owns 76 per cent of the shares of Viacom ($3 billion), is the largest single purveyor of race-mixing propaganda to White teen-agers and sub-teens in America and Europe. MTV pumps its racially mixed rock and rap videos into 210 million homes in 71 countries and is the dominant cultural influence on White teen-agers around the world.
Nickelodeon has by far the largest
share of the four-to-11-year-old TV audience in America and also is expanding
rapidly into Europe; most of its shows do not yet display the blatant degeneracy
which is MTV's trademark, but Redstone is gradually nudging the fare presented
to his kiddie viewers toward the same poison purveyed by MTV.
Radio Broadcasting
The "big three" TV networks--ABC, CBS,
and NBC--not only have a virtual monopoly on commercial network television
broadcasting in the United States; they account for most of commercial network
radio broadcasting as well--or they did until recently. For many years their
only significant competitor in the latter arena, Mutual Broadcasting System
(MBS), with 941 affiliated radio stations (but no TV stations) across the
country, was headed by Martin Rubenstein, a Jew. In 1985 Norman J. Pttiz, also a Jew, took over
MBS as chairman and CEO. Two years later Pattiz, through his holding
company, Westwood One, Inc., bought the NBC Radio Network from General Electric.
The MBS and NBC stations together make Pattiz the number-two radio broadcaster
in the nation, behind only Capital Cities/ABC. The current MBS vice-president in
charge of news broadcasting, Ron Nessen, who formerly held the position of White
House press secretary under Gerald Ford, is also a Jew.
After television, daily newspapers are the most influential mass medium in America. Sixty-three million of them are sold (and presumably read) each day. Only 412 (25 per cent) of the 1,640 publications are independently owned; the rest belong to multi-newspaper chains. Only 121 of the total number have circulations of more than 100,000. Only a handful are large enough to maintain independent reporting staffs outside their own communities; the rest must depend on these few for all of their national and international news.
In only 54 cities in America are there more than one daily newspaper, and competition is frequently nominal even among them, as between morning and afternoon editions under the same ownership. he Newhouse media empire provides an example of more than the lack of real competition among America's daily newspapers; it also illustrates the insatiable appetite Jews have shown for all the organs of opinion control on which they could fasten their grip. The Newhouses own 31 daily newspapers, including several large and important ones, such as the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Newark Star-Ledger, and the new Orleans Times-Picayune; the nation's largest trade book publishing conglomerate, Random House, with all its subsidiaries; Newhouse Broadcasting, consisting of 12 television broadcasting stations and 87 cable-TV systems, including some of the country's largest cable networks; the Sunday supplement Parade, with a circulation of more than 22 million copies per week; some two dozen major magazines, including the New Yorker, Vogue, Mademoiselle, Glamour, Vanity Fair, HQ, Bride's, Gentlemen's Quarterly, Self, House & Garden, and all the other magazines of the wholly owned Conde Nast group.
This Jewish media empire was founded by the late Samuel Newhouse, an immigrant from Russia. When he died in 1979 at the age of 84, he bequeathed media holdings worth an estimated $1.3 billion to his two sons, Samuel and Donald. With a number of further acquisitions, the net worth of Advance Publications has grown to more than $8 billion today.
The gobbling up of so many newspapers by the Newhouse family was in large degree made possible by the fact that newspapers are not supported by their subscribers, but by their advertisers. It is advertising revenue--not the small change collected from a newspaper's readers—that largely pays the editor's salary and yields the owner's profit.
Whenever the large advertisers in a city choose to favor one newspaper over another with their business, the favored newspaper will flourish while its competitor dies. Since the beginning of this century, when Jewish mercantile power in America became a dominant economic force, there has been a steady rise in the number of American newspapers in Jewish hands, accompanied by a steady decline in the number of competing Gentile newspapers--primarily as a result of selective advertising policies by Jewish merchants.
Furthermore, even those newspapers still under Gentile ownership and management are so thoroughly dependent upon Jewish advertising revenue that their editorial and news reporting policies are largely constrained by Jewish likes and dislikes. It holds true in the newspaper business as elsewhere that he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Three Jewish Newspapers
The suppression of competition and the establishment of local monopolies on the dissemination of news and opinion have characterized the rise of Jewish control over America's newspapers. The resulting ability of the Jews to use the press as an unopposed instrument of Jewish policy could hardly be better illustrated than by the examples of the nation's three most prestigious and influential newspapers: the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. These three, dominating America's financial and political capitals, are the newspapers which set the trends and the guidelines for nearly all the others.
The New York Times is the unofficial social, fashion, entertainment, political, and cultural guide of the nation. It tells America's "smart set" which books to buy and which films to see; which opinions are in style at the moment; which politicians, educators, spiritual leaders, artists, and businessmen are the real comers.
The New York Times was founded in 1851 by two Gentiles, Henry J. Raymond and George Jones. After their deaths, it was purchased in 1896 from Jones's estate by a wealthy Jewish publisher, Adolph Ochs. His grandson, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, is the paper's current publisher and CEO, and Ochs's great-grandson, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr., is the deputy publisher. The executive editor is Max Frankel, the managing editor is Joseph Lelyveld, and the editorial page editor is Jack Rosenthal--and all are Jews.
The Sulzberger family also owns, through the New York Times Co., 36 other newspapers; twelve magazines, including McCall's and Family Circle with circulations of more than 5 million each; six radio and TV broadcasting stations; a cable-TV system; and three book publishing companies. The New York Times News Service transmits news stories, features, and photographs from the New York Times by wire to 506 other newspapers, news agencies, and magazines.
Of similar national importance is the Washington Post, which, by establishing its "leaks" throughout government agencies in Washington, has an inside track on news involving the Federal government. The Washington Post, like the New York Times, had a non-Jewish origin. It was established in 1877 by Stilson Hutchins, purchased from him in 1905 by John R. McLean, and later inherited by Edward B. McLean.
In June 1933, however, at the height of the Great Depression, the newspaper was forced into bankruptcy. It was purchased at a bankruptcy auction by Eugene Meyer, a Jewish financier and former partner of the infamous Bernard Baruch, industry czar in America during the First World War.
The Washington Post is now run by Katherine Meyer Graham, Eugene Meyer's daughter. She is the principal stockholder and the board chairman of the Washington Post Co. In 1979 she appointed her son Donald publisher of the paper. He now also holds the posts of president and CEO of the Washington Post Co. The Washington Post Co. has a number of other media holdings in newspapers, television, and magazines, most notably the nation's number-two weekly newsmagazine, Newsweek. The Wall Street Journal, which sells 2.1 million copies each weekday, is the nation's largest-circulation daily newspaper. It is owned by Dow Jones & Co., Inc., a New York corporation which also publishes 24 other daily newspapers and the weekly financial tabloid Barron's, among other things. The chairman and CEO of Dow Jones is Peter R. Kann, who is a Jew. Kann also holds the posts of chairman and publisher of the Wall Street Journal.
New York's other major newspapers are
in no better hands than the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. The New York Post is
owned by billionaire Jewish real-estate developer Peter Kalikow. In late 1992 the New
York Daily News was bought from the estate of the late Jewish media mogul Robert
Maxwell (born Ludvik Hoch) by Jewish real-estate developer Mortimer B.
Zuckerman. The Village Voice is the personal property of Leonard Stern, the
billionaire Jewish owner of the Hartz Mountain pet supply firm.
Other Mass Media
The story is pretty much the same for
other media as it is for television, radio, and newspapers. Consider, for
example, news magazines. There are only three of any note published in the
United States: Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report. Time, with a weekly
circulation of 4.1 million, is published by a subsidiary of Time Warner
Communications, the new media conglomerate formed by the 1989 merger of Time
Inc. with Warner Communications. The co-CEOs of Time Warner Communications, as
mentioned above, are Steven J. Ross and Gerald Levin, both Jews.
Newsweek, as mentioned above, is published by the Washington Post Co., under the Jewess Katherine Meyer Graham. Its weekly circulation is 3.2 million. U.S. News & World Report, with a weekly circulation of 2.3 million, is owned and published by the aforementioned Mortimer B. Zuckerman, who also has taken the position of editor-in-chief of the magazine for himself. Zuckerman also owns the Atlantic Monthly and New York's tabloid newspaper, the Daily News.
The three largest book publishers in the United States, according to Publishers Weekly, are Random House (with its many subsidiaries, including Crown Publishing Group), Simon & Schuster, and Time Inc. Book Co. (including Warner Books and Book of the Month Club). All three are owned or controlled by Jews.
As pointed out above, the Newhouse family owns Random House, and Steven J. Ross and Gerald Levin are co-CEOs of Time Warner Communications, of which Time Inc. Book Co. is a division. Simon & Schuster is a subsidiary of Paramount Communications, Inc. (formerly gulf and Western, Inc.), of whom the chairman and CEO is Martin S. Davis, as already noted. The CEO of Simon & Schuster is Richard Snyder, and he is a Jew too.
Another publisher of special significance is Western Publishing. Although it ranks only 13th in size among all U.S. publishers, it ranks first among publishers of children's books, with more than 50 per cent of the market. Its chairman and CEO is Richard Bernstein, a Jew.
President Clinton promised to make his
cabinet appointments mirror America. Jews represent about 3% of the U.S.
population. Below represent Clinton's acutal appointments.
Note that Aryan is used for White European non-Jew since the term Gentile
includes Negroes. Also "Hispanic" is a misnomer because it is political term
meaning any race that can speak Spanish. This information was supplied by "The Truth at
Last" a bi-monthly, suppressed news, newspaper published by Dr. Ed. Fields.
Jew Albright,
Ambassador to the United Nations
Jew Altman,
Deputy to Secretary of Treasury
Aryan Aspin, Les,
Deputy to Secretary of Treasury Secretary of Defense
Aryan Bruce Babbitt
Secretary of the Interior Secretary of the Treasury
Aryan Bentson, Lloyd
Secretary of the Treasury
Jew Berger, Samuel
Deputy Head of National Security
Jew Boorstin,
Spokesman on Health Care
Jew Boykin,
Communications Aide
Negro Jesse Brown
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Negro Ronald H. Browner
Secretary of Commerce
Aryan Carol Browner
Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency
Browner, Carol
Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency
Aryan Christopher, Warren
Secretary of State
Mex Cisneros, Henry
Secretary of Housing
Aryan Crowe, William J.
Head of Intelligence Services
Aryan Djerejian, Edward P.
Assistant Secretary of State
Aryan Donilon, Thomas E.
Assistant Secretary of State
Jew Dreyer,
Communication Aide
Jew Eisenstat,
Stuart E.
Assistant Secretary of State for Security
Negro Elders, Joycelyn
Surgeon General
Jew Eller, Jeff
Communications Aide
Jew Epstein, Tom
Special Assistant to the President
Negro Espy, Mike
Secretary of Agriculture
Jew Feder, Judit
Advisor to Secretary of Health
Aryan Foster, Vince
Second White House Counsel
Jew Gober, Hershel
Assistant Secretary for Veterans Affairs
Jew Halperin, Morton
Assistant Secretary of Defense
Jew Herman, Alexis
Secretary to President for Public Works
Jew Indyk, Martin
Director of Middle East Affairs for National Security Council
Jew Kantor, Mickey
U.S. Trade Representative
Jew Kessler, Steve
Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration
Jew Klain, Ron
Third White House Counsel
Jew Kunin, Madeleine
Assistant Secretary of Education
Jew Kusnet, David
Communications Aide
Aryan Lake, W. Anthony Chief
Advisor for National Security
Jew Lewis, Samuel
Director of State Department Policy
Aryan Lord, Winston
Assistant Secretary of State for Asia
Jew Ludwig, Eugene A.
Director of the Mint
Aryan McLarty, Thomas F. III
White House Chief of Staff
Jew Magaziner, Ira
Chief Advisor for Security
Jew David Mixner
Special Liasion to Gay – Lesbian Community
Negro Moose, George E.
Assistant Secretary of State for Africa
Aryan Myers, Dee Dee
Media Representative
Jew Newman, Frank N.
Assistant Secretary of State for Finance
Jew Nussbaum, Bernard
White House Counsel
Negro O 'Leary, Hazel R.
Secretary of Energy
Jew Oxman, Stephen A.
Assistant Secretary of State for Europe
Latino Panetta, Leon E.
Office of Management and Budget
Jew Paster, Howard
Presidential Secretary for Congress
Latino Pena, Federico F.
Secretary of Transportation
Jew Rahm, Emanuel
Presidential Secretary for Political Affairs
Aryan Rasco, Cerol
White House Domestic Advisor
Jew Reich, Robert
Secretary of Labor
Aryan Riley, Richard W.
Secretary of Education
Aryan Reno, Janet
Attorney General
Jew Rivlin, Alice
Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget
Jew Rubin, Robert E.
Head, Council of Economic Advisors
Jew Schifter, Richard
U.S. Ambassador to Israel
Jew Segal, Eli
Director, Office of National Service
Jew Seidman, Ricki
Communications Aide
Arab Shalala, Donna E.
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Jew Shapiro, Robert
Economic Advisor
Jew Spero, Joan Edelman Assistant
Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Greek Stephanopoulos, Geo. White House Press
Jew Summers, Lawrence H. Assistant Secretary of
State for Policy
Jew Tarnoff, Peter
Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Aryan Tyson, Laura D'Andrea Head, Council of Economic Advisors
Jew Waldman, Michael
Communications Aide
Negro Walker, Anne
Communications Aide
Negro Wharton, Clifton R. Jr. Assistant
Secretary of State
Aryan Woolsey, R. James Director,
Jew Zelman, Walter
Special Deputy for Health Policy
On every pantry shelf in America lay dozens of canned and packaged food products which have a tiny "K" or "U" printed on the label. This symbol informs Orthodox Jews that the items have been checked by a rabbi to make sure that they have been prepared in accordance with "Jewish Dietary Law" as set forth in the Jewish Talmud (the real Jewish Bible).
American food companies are forced to
pay multi-millions of dollars to the Orthodox Jewish organizations. The cost is
passed on to all consumers. The giant in the business is "The Union of Orthodox
Jewish Congregations" which issues the "U" imprint. They service some
1200 companies or about 80% of the business. They employ nearly 600 rabbis as
part-time "checkers." The next largest is Rabbi Bernard Levy's
"Committee For The Furtherance of Torah Observance" which uses the "K"